Page 31 - 2021 Reflections on Bloemfontein Sports
P. 31
By Jürgen Smith - The Bar is Loaded ? The
poetry we found in
Gym work might be part of any Something beautiful which isn? power lifting.
sports training. Some require as evident in other sports
more strength than others, but without a solid understanding of
when we visited a Powerlifting game strategies. We?e not even - Next level fitness at Fir e
Championship at the beginning referring to the sculpted bodies For ged Athletics.
of this year, we saw that the of the athletes.
sport was so much more than
The hosting gym?s name
what we thought.
summarised this art as Inner
As we wrote in the article, we see Fight. We noticed it in the eyes of
and hear these athletes in gyms, the athletes. They accepted a
shouting and dropping weights challenging weight to lift, then
on the floor. We see large their eyes go on a journey. They
containers with weigh-protein find their motivation and beat
being consumed and we know a gravity. Each is an inner fight of
Fir e For ged Fitness
little about the process of belief.
building muscle. We also assume
that bodybuilding is similar to
weightlifting, but we were so Later, we were amazed once
wrong. again by another type of fitness
at the Fire Forged Athletics gym
During the championship, we Power lifting Event
that hosted an event, very
noticed poetry of another sort.
similar to Cross Fit. Results
Also, find a link list of Bloemfont ein
Str ength Spor ts Page
Gyms on our St rengt h Sport s Page