Page 4 - 2021 Reflections on Bloemfontein Sports
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With 2020 introducing the first of the sporting passion in our
the Covid lockdown restrictions, region, 2022 will mark the
2021 felt much more positive. beginning of significant
changes that will be more
We’re nowhere near the type of impactful and lasting. The
environment that we were used struggle to gain momentum
to, but Bloemfontein athletes towards a sporting ecology we
made significant strides in 2021. all want has started and next
year should highlight the initial
The postponed Tokyo Olympics steps towards a great future.
opened our eyes to the extend
our performance deteriorated We believe that the lack of
compared to the rest of the money is the result of a greater
world. In some instances, like challenge as we had this
swimming, athletics and surfing, problem since before the
we met new heroes we never pandemic.
Nevertheless, our community
As we identified what caued pushed through all this without
our lack of performance in the exposure they deserved,
areas we used to be purely motivated by their love
competitive at, we found that for sport.
the lack of money was the easy
go-to culprit. The other was the Bloemfontein’s community has
obvious lack of international this passion in abundance and
exposure during the pandemic. it sprouts up everywhere, if you
know where to look.
We aren’t only hoping for a
better 2022, but we became We learned plenty this year.
more resilient to adverse Legends aren’t only the athletes
situations. We consider health who worked their way through
and relationships more the ranks to perform on a
important than we used to profesional level, but also those
while being more tolerant to who ensure others do what they
indifference. love. People who pay their
passion forward.
Bloemfontein Sport Results was
able to meet legends in our In this magazine, we’re going to
community who were doing refrain from spoiling the 2022
their thing without asking for surprise, but rather focus on
anything in return. They are the celebrating the strides
pillars that held their sports Bloemfontein sports
together while traditional media accomplished this year. We
didn’t give them a second hope you have as much fun
thought. Their passion carried reminiscing about a wonderful
them through and that needs year as we did.
to be celebrated.
In the effort to serve justice to