Page 8 - 2021 Reflections on Bloemfontein Sports
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Free State Badminton
clubs and contact By Jürgen Smith
Although Dednam, who is athletes. They
Badminton had to one of our local also couldn? play
wait a while before experts, coach and
getting back into former Springbok
Ar ticle action, we found a athlete. international
community that tournaments. We
Why some top athletes reached further Chris definitely have
aren't at Tokyo than we expected. Dednam:?Firstly, the athletes.?
the 2020 Tokyo
Olympics Bloemfontein also This also served
Olympics didn?
has very talented partly as to why all
athletes, but cater for South African
couldn? make their badminton athletes find
mark at the Tokyo teams to international
Olympic Games. compete, only competition so
individuals. The challenging.
Why didn't we see most significant
any of them at the reason is, there
Olympics I hear you were no
wonder. For this available funds
exact reason, we
to support the
asked Chris