Page 10 - 2021 Reflections on Bloemfontein Sports
P. 10

Ar ticles
                                                          CLUB RUGBY

       Springbok Women
       breaking t hrough
                                                                      By Jürgen Smith
       against  England U20

                                              Rugby is one of         where legends like       missing all along.
       Fireworks at the Free
                                              South Africa?s most     Rassie and Os came
       Stats Club Rugby Final                                                                  2021 Standings
                                              favorite sports.        from.
                                              Most schoolboys                                  After a spectacular
                                                                      In the meantime,
                                              played rugby at                                  season with the
       BFN Defence Force?s                                            the rest of our
                                              some stage but                                   appearance of
       Rugby gets a New                                               talented players live
                                              leaping from school                              talented Varsity
       Look                                                           out their dreams in      players in the Club
                                              to professional
                                                                      club rugby.
                                              rugby isn? in the                                Rugby league, the
        Free State Rugby
                                              cards for everyone.      This year, we were      season ended with
        Hiding a Zippy, Boks                                          educated about the       Welkom Rugby Club
        Once Again Drafted                     Especially during      challenges women?s       winning Division A
        one of Boem?s                         the pandemic,           rugby endured with       and Steyners
                                              opportunities to
        best-kept secrets.                                            Springbok players        Division B.
                                                                      like Zippy who
        BFN Club Rugby                        extraordinary           secretly walked
        Finally Let Loose                     talents to talented     among us.
                                              scouts were lost.
        Pent-Up Excitement
                                                                       Following their tour
                                              Still, Bloemfontein
                                                                      in Europe, we found
                                              produced the
                                                                      how much we
                                              world?s best, and we
                                                                      neglected them and
                                              have plenty more of
                                                                      what we?ve been
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