Page 11 - 2021 Reflections on Bloemfontein Sports
P. 11


                                                                                          2021 Club Rugby Final (Division A)

                                                                                            2021 Results

                                                                                          Collegians vs Mangaung
                                                                                          Crispin Moss Photography

        Moving forward, we         aspirations to apply       available on our
        are confident to utter     their talents.  By doing   website.
        the bold statement         this, we met Johan
                                                              Our 2022 goal for
        that the best of world     Pretorius from Radio
                                                              Club Rugby is to
        rugby was born in          Rugby who now
                                                              promote more
        Bloemfontein.  Rassie      include Free State
                                                              women's rugby while
        Erasmus is merely one      rugby news in their
                                                              getting to add names
        example of that.           radio programs.
                                                              to the
        The one element that       We also met Bernice        accomplishments all
        we've missed was that      (Zippie) Strydom who       athletes are achieving.
        the surplus talented       were Free State
                                                              Also look out for an
        athletes found their       Womens Cheetah's
                                                              international weekly
        way into club rugby        captain for five years
                                                              program where
        and that is where the      and was included in
                                                              enthusiasts will
        heart of the sport lies.   the Springbok
                                                              discuss  rugby, lead by
                                   European tour squad.
        As soon as you reveal                                 a New Zealander.
        the beauty of sport,       In the sidebar are
                                                                                      Spr ingbok - Ber nice Strydom
        you attract those who      links to videos and
                                                                                       Christo Steyn Photography
        also have the same         articles that are
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