Page 12 - Newsletter
P. 12

Celebrated Sisters

By Marcia L. Hinton

The Alumnae Association of the Philadelphia High School for Girls believes it is important to

take note of dedicated alumnae, whose important contributions have eased the way for,
and inspired so many women. Celebrated Sisters is an initiative designed to complement
our Distinguished Daughters by highlighting the continued accomplishments of Girls’ High

graduates.           100th Birthday Celebration

            of Clarissa Cuff Wilson Dunston

Born in Gouldtown N.J. on August                                    generations. Her family has

12, 1916, her family relocated to                                   grown to include 9 grandchildren,

Philadelphia in September 1930.                                     20 great grandchildren, 9 great,

She attended Barratt Jr. High and                                   great grandchildren and 2 great,

graduated from the Philadelphia                                     great, great grandchildren.

High School for Girls in 1935. She                                  For 28 years she worked at the
continued her studies at the
Berean Business School. Active in                                   polls on Election Days. In 1968
her church St. Simon the
Cyrenian, she sang in the Junior                                    she returned to the employ of the
Choir, became a charter member
of the Girls Friendly Society at St.                                federal government until her
Simon in 1934, and taught
Sunday school.                        Clarissa Cuff Wilson          retirement in 1985.

                                                                    An avid traveler, she’s visited the

                                                                    United Kingdom, Morocco, Europe,

                                      the Caribbean, Brazil, Canada, Mexico;

The job market was tight in the                                     crisscrossed the U.S including
post-Depression era, so she                                         Hawaii and Alaska; and cruised the
moved to Baltimore and found                                        Mediterranean. Her other
employment with the federal                                         pastimes include watching movies
government. In 1941 she                                             and live theatre and listening to
married Charles Dallas Dunston                                      jazz music. She enjoys spending
in St. Simon the Cyrenian                                           time with her immediate family
Church. They raised 4 children;                                     and her St. Simon church family.

Cheryl, Andrea, Charles Dallas Jr.    Graduation program June 1935  Like a true Girls’ High girl, her alma
and Bernard. The next few years                                     mater forever holds a special place
were spent rearing children and                                     with Mrs. Dunston and her family.
becoming active with the Home
and School Association. She is                                      Her mother, Clara Coxen, was a
now blessed to be a part of 6                                       graduate of Girls Normal School,
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