Page 10 - November Newsletter
P. 10

purchase of smartboards for our alma         Director will begin shortly. The
mater. As you've heard, we                   public has been informed that
produced a 50-year book which we             Clarena Tolson is on the short list for
call the ‘Golden Milestone.’ I've            permanent director.
reserved a copy for the GHS
Archives.”                                   Tamara Harris Robinson (1984)
                                             received the Outstanding Recent
Laurie Barron, Chair                         Alumni Award from the New York
Philadelphia High School for Girls 210       University Silver School of Social
50th Reunion Planning Committee              Work. Tamara received her MSW
                                             from NYU in 2012. She is recognized
Clarena Tolson (June 1978) has               as a pioneer in the field of divorce
been named Interim Executive                 coaching, advising clients 1n the US
Director of the Philadelphia Parking         and internationally on strategies to
Authority, a city agency that                become better champions for
oversees such vital matters as               themselves and their children. She
generating needed revenue for the            has served on the boards of the
city, planning and analysis of parking       United Negro College Fund (vice-
requirements, coordinating the               chair and head of the development
parking efforts of public agencies,          and investment committees), the
building and operating public parking        New Jersey Advocates for Education
facilities, overseeing taxis and             (co-founder and former president),
limousines that operate in the city,         and Big Brothers and 819 Sisters of
and providing full parking services          Essex. Hudson and Union Counties in
for Philadelphia residents,                  New Jersey. She has raised more
businesses, and visitors. The Parking        than $1 million to fund merit-and
Authority has been plagued with              need-based collegiate scholarships
scandal. Female employees charged            for promising students when at New
Vincent J. Fenerty, Jr., then Director,      Jersey Advocates for Education. In
with sexual harassment, after which,         addition, Tamara is and adjunct
charges of illegal assignment of             lecturer at NYU Silver and has taught
patronage jobs surfaced. Fenerty             at the Montclair State University
resigned amid the scandal. Clarena           Center for Child Advocacy.
Tolson now has the job of handling
the damage done. She has been                Christine Frazier-Hollins (1995), is
serving in Mayor Kenney's                    a chemical engineer who has lived in
administration as Deputy Managing            Houston for the past 13 years. She
Director of the City of Philadelphia.        was recently promoted to Team Lead
She has had many years of                    for the Control Center Advanced
experience in city government,               Analytics Team for Chevron Pipe Line
beginning in 1992. She held some             Company. She has the unique
posts in the Streets Department and          distinction of being the only woman
became Commissioner of Streets for           and only minority in leadership for
Mayor John Street and Mayor Michael          her operations area. "Vincit qui se
Nutter. During the latter part of the        Vincit"!
Nutter administration she was
Commissioner of Revenue. A national          Congratulations to Aishah Shahidah
search to find a permanent Executive         Simmons (1987)—Her article Still So

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