Page 7 - November Newsletter
P. 7

Pennsylvania through the Teachers            careers so unbalanced. Student teams
Institute of Philadelphia (TIP). The         will interview alumnae from the
Institute is a partnership between the       Philadelphia High School for Girls who
University and the School District of        went on to work in STEM careers to
Philadelphia that enables public school      learn about job pre-requisites,
teachers to take seminars on topics of       responsibilities, and what influences led
their choosing at the University of          the women to that field. Students will
Pennsylvania and write curriculum for        also hear about the high school
their classrooms. My seminar was             experiences of the women in STEM
’Biography as History or, Perhaps,           careers and get advice from the
History as Biography.’ I was inspired to     graduates. Once the students have
create my curriculum unit ’Are You           explored the past, they will look to the
Destined for Mathematical Greatness?’        future by interviewing upperclassmen
by the documentary ‘Top Secret Rosies’       who excel at mathematics about
shared with our school STEM team by          strategies and techniques they attribute
Dorothy Kapenstein. The purpose of the       to their success. These upperclassmen
curriculum unit is to educate young          will also offer advice to the freshmen.
women on careers in science,                 To prepare for the interview process,
technology, engineering, and                 students will develop listening and
mathematics (STEM) fields and on the         critical thinking skills for writing
women who broke down barriers to             questions and follow-up questions. The
open those doors. The project is based       hope for the unit is that students will
on students (or teams of students)           find inspiration and methods to succeed
conducting interviews and reflecting on      and perhaps pursue careers in STEM
the societal and personal barriers that      fields.”
have made gender ratios in STEM

Senior Day 2016
October 21, 2016, was Senior Day. The young ladies of the 261 donned their finery,
and processed in to Handel’s March from Scipio while carrying yellow carnations. The
program consisted of speeches and some outstanding student performances.

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