Page 7 - Newsletter
P. 7

The authors of the biographical       let you know when the book comes
work are Allan Arpajian and Susan     out.
Arpajian Jolley, the children of
Mary's sister, Rose Zakarian          Margaretta Gilboy (June 1961),
Arpajian, a GHS graduate of June      a painter, who now lives and works
1942. Another sister, Sosie           in the Colorado area, sent word
Zakarian Kachikian graduated in       that selections from her works and
June 1944. The parents of the         from those of artist Jennifer
three sisters lived through the       Nehrbass will be featured in an
terror of the genocide against the    exhibition at Goodwin Fine Art, a
Armenians in1915. the parents         gallery in Denver, Colorado. The
began a new life in this country.     show, Figural Constructs, will
However, sadness was always           run from July 23 to October 3,
with them and affected their lives    2016. The artists will appear at an
and the lives of their daughters.     opening reception on Thursday,
The three sisters were good           July 28, 2016.
students at GHS and Mary
graduated Cum Laude. Mary             Felicia C. Thomas (June 1992)
worked for a few years and            is now Director of Continuous
became interested in painting and     Improvement for Hawaiian Airlines
other art genres and began serious    on O’ahu, Hawaii. She will be
studies at Moore College of Art for   residing in Ewa Beach, Hawaii with
Women, the Pennsylvania               her husband Matt and son Luc.
Academy of the Fine Arts and the
Cheltenham Art Center. She also       N. C. Heiken (June 1966) aka
studied with artists Leon Sitarchuk,  Nancy C. Heiken is a film maker,
Paulette Van Roekens and Paul         documentarian and writer. There
Gorka. Mary became a skilled          will be a viewing of her recent
teacher and she founded and           award-winning
operated an art school. Seven         documentary "Sound of
artists were appointed to "to         Redemption: The Frank Morgan
create an artistic representation of  Story" at the Unitarian Society of
the immigrant experience for the      Germantown, 6511 Lincoln Drive
100th Anniversary of the arrival of   Philadelphia PA 19119
the Statue of Liberty and Mary        Sunday, September 25,
Zakarian was one of them. We'll       2016 @ 2:00 p.m.
                                      Ms. Heiken will be on hand for a
                                      discussion after the film is shown.
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