Page 4 - ODJFS Human Trafficking Response Summary 2018-2019
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 organized crime, racketeering, homicide, terrorism, international narcotics and human trafficking.
As a result this experience has provided him with a unique perspective on human behavior, and a deep understanding of the pressure that is experienced by law enforcement, their families and the public.
John Pizzuro is certified as a Master Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner and has an M.A. in Human Resource Development and Training. He frequently speaks to organizations and audiences on the stress that impacts the law enforcement community. John Pizzuro teaches about personal development, leadership, technology, communication and high impact performance. He inspires, motivates, and empowers audiences to transform their lives by altering their thinking.
Content - An overview of investigative techniques in computer crimes against children, specifically child pornography. We will discuss proactive investigations and a variety of methods to identify those engaged in the production and dissemination of child pornography
Technology has changed our neurological make up, the reliance on technology to connect with others has opened our children to be manipulated and exploited at a higher level than ever before. We will discuss proactive investigations and a variety of methods to identify those engaged in the production and dissemination of child pornography We Will focus on various Apps and Technology that predators use to exploit children in child pornography and human trafficking. It will give attendees insight in current trends on how predators find, manipulate and exploit children through various means. This presentation will also give insight into the children’s mindset as well as online predators from a neurological standpoint and give attendees knowledge on how to better help children that have been exploited.
Thorn: Trends in Technology Based Exploitation and Response - 5/22/19
Presenter - Kelbi Ervin, Development Associate, joined the Thorn team in 2017, and she brings experience from both government and nonprofit sectors. Kelbi is from the midwest and previously served the Office of Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller for two years, where she led several anti-trafficking outreach initiatives across the state. Prior to Thorn, she spent time at the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking in Los Angeles.
Topic description: Survivor Insights: The role of technology in domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST)
Content - This session provides privileged and confidential information regarding technologies and tools developed by Thorn to combat exploitation of children. Resources that are available to attending providers are discussed with contacts provided to attain such instruments.

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