Page 6 - ODJFS Human Trafficking Response Summary 2018-2019
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 group services for youth who have been or are currently being trafficked. When youth are aging out of systems of care or survivors of trafficking the Elevate program can provide support and linkages to services that stabilize life factors and aid in not only recovery but thriving.
Expansion of Services:
We continue our mission to provide access for all of Ohio’s children to the complete array of high- quality CAC services throughout the entire state - with the eventual goal of establishing MDTs in every county. Currently there are 27 with Canopy Child Advocacy Center opening this year in Cuyahoga County.
Several of these CACs provide care to children in neighboring counties, however establishment of a local CAC or MDT in-county still remains the best means to ensure comprehensive continuous care. Additionally there are 6 developing CACs and 4 MDTs set to join our expanding network of care. In combination with the advanced trainings provided under this grant these CACs and MDTs will be better equipped to provide services to youth either at-risk or survivors of human trafficking.
Survey Tool Refinement and Comprehensive Expansion:
With the specific objective of evaluating aspects of CAC response to youth who are at high-risk or currently trafficked (as defined in our year one report) we have continually administered the Ohio Victim/Survivor Survey and the End of Quarter Comprehensive Survey every quarter since the inception of this grant. With the data collected in Year 2 we are now able to better compare trends with Year 1 while compensating for seasonal variance. Minor Changes have been made to the original survey - largely focused around better monitoring of Internet based exploitation and the role technology plays in recruitment/grooming and exploitation. Other constructs within the survey document
Response and Capacity Building Analysis:
Looking at trends throughout this second State Fiscal Year, 2018-2019, we find that overall efforts implemented under this grant have continued to increase in outreach, identification and services available to high-risk youth and trafficking survivors. In addition to trends analyzed across Year 2, we can now begin to compare distinct quarterly pairings between Year 1 and Year 2 (ie. Jan-March 2018 vs. Jan-March 2019). It should be noted however that due to several intrinsic confounds in the data collection in Year 1. This might cause variance in absolute values across metrics, including the

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