Page 8 - ODJFS Human Trafficking Response Summary 2018-2019
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 MDT Challenges and Successes:
Progress continues within our MDTs continues in year 2. In our previous yearly report as MDTs strengthened communication within CACs apparent barriers increased from 16% to 25%, however this year many solutions have been developed and we have seen a steep decline in the number a barriers identified. While reaching a peak in quarter 1 at 36% it steeply dropped to 6 and 11% in the subsequent quarters - with only a moderate increase indicated in 4th quarter at 18%. Even accounting for some of the atypical indicators in Quarter for this would still represent a 50% decrease in barriers identified at a minimum. We have seen increased reporting of greater buy-in and participation compared to last year - which at the time represented the most commonly reported barrier. Current challenges in crude empathy training for new partners and providers as well as expended training initiatives to address complexities inherent to anti-trafficking responses.
As we collect more data it is normal for measures to level out at more accurate total averages and our reporting rate for successes continue to hold steady around 30% or so. When taken in conjunction with the decline in barriers it is clear that efforts implemented in this grant and the further internal discussions generated from them has cultivated enhanced efficiency and efficacy within MDTs. Successful actions included; MDTs are moving forward with prosecution of numerous traffickers, building close partnership with juvenile courts helping them with identification protocols, and JFS, CPS is seeking the aid of their local CAC to identify youth at high-risk, coordination of housing for a youth survivor. Additionally we have seen increased attendance at coalition meetings by partners, the success of a newly established HT task force, increasing referrals from Juvenile Detention Centers, and implementing youth empowerment when setting up services.
Coalition Challenges and Successes:
As with other measures, following period a variation the barriers encountered by Coalitions holds fairly steady at 16%. Likewise Coalition successes has jumped from from 7% to 20%. Among the accomplishments made by Ohio’s anti-trafficking coalitions include; trainings available and provided to faculty and administrative staff at high schools, local safe houses, and general community trainings to elevate awareness of services. Additionally, more agencies are interested in joining/pooling resources and coalitions have focused on coordinating services and updated resource lists for identified pints of first contact to address the unique needs of this population.
Human Trafficking Education and Training:
CACs provided 63 Human trafficking Trainings both out in the community to raise awareness and among professional providers reaching a total of 2,488 individuals. This represents an additional 1,000 individuals reached this year compared to last. These trainings covered topics ranging from introductory human trafficking content for victim advocates, college students, hotel staff, corrections staff and a county board of developmental disabilities - to advanced trainings for an opiate task force, teenagers at

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