Page 10 - ONCAC - Community Assessment Report 2020
P. 10

Because no system of care operates in a vacuum, and the majority of cases referred to CACs will follow from a reported allegation, it is key to look at PCSAO aggregated trends.
For every 1,000 children, 10 are in some form of placement outside of home. The majority of youth in need of services, according to PCSAO, are under 5 years of age followed closely by those in their teens and those entering adolescence.2
The majority of actionable cases identified are neglect and dependency. However, due to the discrepancy with reporting rate (39%)2, it is likely that physical and sexual abuse may remain under-identified in the absence of a forensic interview.
Age of Child
39% | 5 Years or Younger 26% | 6-11 Years
31% | 12-17 Years
3% | 18 and Older
  2 PCSAO Factbook, 14th Edition 2019

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