Page 14 - ONCAC - Community Assessment Report 2020
P. 14

Yet another consideration as we continue our effort to develop CACs and MDTs across the state
is how population areas shift throughout the years. While this report is establishing baseline data, continued monitoring of these changes can help our network anticipate shifting needs. From a preliminary analysis it appears that trends in Ohio are consistent with larger national observations that small cities currently experience the greatest growth while major metropolitan centers see population movements into surrounding areas - largely due to elevating cost of living in these areas, though this option may only be available to those with the financial resources to do so. It is likely that this will increase resource disparities that already exist.
Population Change Estimates by County
Population Change Estimates by County
Gain Over 10,000 Gain 500 - 10,000 Gain 1 - 499
No Change
Loss 1 - 499
Loss 500 - 10,000 Loss Over 10,000

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