Page 19 - STEM Sharqia's Senior 21 Graduation Book
P. 19
Aliaa Khaled
ىفطصم دلاخ ءايلع Aliaa Kamal دمحم لامك ءايلع Fatma Saied حوتفلا وبأ ديعس ةمطاف
“Never give up” “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is “Once you become tired, remember
the courage to continue that counts. ” your dream; it deserves more.“
Kenzy ElAnfoushy
يلع دمحم يزنك Loujy Emad ضوع نيدلادامع نيجول Marie Helmy بيجن يملح يرام
“I have spent 24,192 hours of my life for a ”Till death we do ART” “Hustle until you don’t have to
paper and Capstone projects.” introduce yourself ✨ “
Marena Raafat
داؤف تفأر انيرام Maram Osama ديسلا ةماسأ مارم Mariam Ibrahiem نيسح ميهاربإ ميرم
“No pain No gain“ “Your imagination is your preview of ” .نكت مل كناك ىسنت ”
life’s coming attractions.”
Students Chapter - Senior 21 Graduation book 10