Page 20 - STEM Sharqia's Senior 21 Graduation Book
P. 20
Malak Ahmed
رهاظلادبع دمحأ كلم Malak Mohsen نسحم دمحم كلم Menna Ashraf هللادبع فرشأ هنم
“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” ”When everything seems to be going against “The future belongs to those who
you, remember that the airplane takes off believe in their dreams. Here was the
against the wind, not with it.” beginning and now the hard work has
just begun”
Menna Abdelmohsen
يوبن نسحملادبع هنم Maha Atef دمح فطاع اهم Mai Mahmoud معنملادبع دومحم يم
“It is not our abilities that shows who truly “I’m kind of honored to be a dragon lady.” “What lies behind us and what lies
we are, it is our choices.” before us are small matters com-
pared to what lies within us.”
Mayada Hisham
قوراف ماشه هدايم Meral Emad هللادبع دامع لاريم Nada Elmelegy نابعش فرشأ ىدن
ً أ أ
“لمعاو ادبا شيعت كناك كايندل لمعا “Grow through what you go through” “Highschool was easy, just like riding a red
ً أ آ
ادغ تومت كناك كترخل“ bike in the summer, except you have to find
the acceleration of the bike without knowing
anything but its color, Good Luck!”
11 Sharqia STEM School