Page 5 - Narrative Task 4
P. 5

At first, the officers were confused about what was the reason that they were called but when the group said that they were

              part-time hackers, the police suddenly assumed that these were the cause of the intrusion from before and the loss of data.

                  As this could be a possibility, it would not make sense that they called to give themselves in, but to be safe they called for

                  some backup. The group panicked as this is not what they planned to happen, and they tried to convince the police that

               they were trying to help and weren’t part of the loss of data. This was useless as the police decided to arrest the group and

                           interrogate them. It did not take time to start questioning the hackers of what really happened, and after several

               interrogations, they decided to give them a chance and prove that they’re not guilty as they could not find enough evidence

                                                                                                                          to keep them in prison.
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