Page 7 - Narrative Task 4
P. 7

Several people were against these hackers as they are usually known as the “bad people that steal your data” and wanted

               them to stay arrested, although they knew nothing about them and what they really do. When the group and the police got

               back to the servers in the basement, they pulled up an audio file that was recorded some days before the group contacted

                    the authorities, the exact same date the terrorists contacted the laboratory team. It was a recording of the call that the

                    laboratory received from the terrorists. Apart from that, it was traced back to the caller which meant that whatever the

                                                  terrorist's plan was, it was about to be over and the real story was going to be uncovered.

                Apart from the recording they also showed something else. This could get them in trouble if seen from the wrong point of

               view or if they were misunderstood but after all, this is the reason that they reached out to the authorities in the first place.

              They showed a copy of the data that they got from the laboratory. Everyone was surprised and emotional as this meant that

                there were only a few days of work lost, and the research didn’t have to start from the beginning again. As the incident got

                 popular and more people started to know what’s happening, the hackers started to gain followers and fans. As good as it

               sounds it was also concerning for them as they didn’t want to give away their identities to the public due to privacy reasons.

               Some people and officers that were against the hacking group since the beginning found this as a threat, and were already

                suggesting to take them back in prison for stealing the data and accusing them of damaging the laboratory. They also said

              that this data could be modified to make even more damage or steal more data. They started to spread this thought among

                                                                       the public and they gathered quite a number of people to follow them.
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