Page 119 - 2022FittingsCatalog
P. 119

                           Pipe                                               Female     Male
             Part No.      Size                                   Part No.    Thread     Thread
             V16-1600-12… DRUM FAUCET                             V853… FORESTRY ‘Y’ VALVE

             Self-closing and lockable. Nylon
             seat. Suitable for petroleum
             products, solvents, alcohol
             and anti-freeze. Not  suitable                        This valve is designed to
                                                                   turn easily while under
             for chlorinated chemicals,
             detergents or drinking water.                         pressure

             V16-1600-12   3 ⁄4"
                                                                  V853-150     Instantaneous
                                                                  V215L & V215P… LEVER & PISTON GATE VALVES
                                                                   Lever and piston style gate valves are used on tanker trucks for fast
             For air and steam applications                        manual release of fluids.
             Factory set and tested
             Pull ring for manual testing
             Precision machined hard seat and stainless steel ball
             ASME Certified – stamped UV and NB
             Registered in Canada under CRN #0G3144.1C                V215L                                V215P
             Maximum temperature 204°C (400°F)
             Other pressure ranges and styles available
             Part No.   Male Pipe  Set Pressure  Height  Hex Size
             PRV-025-065   1 ⁄4"   65 psi   3 1 ⁄8"   3 ⁄4"
             PRV-025-120   1 ⁄4"  120   3 1 ⁄8"   3 ⁄4"
             PRV-025-150   1 ⁄4"  150   3 1 ⁄8"   3 ⁄4"
             PRV-025-180   1 ⁄4"  180   3 1 ⁄8"   3 ⁄4"
             PRV-025-250   1 ⁄4"  250   3 1 ⁄8"   3 ⁄4"

                         Female     Male                                      Size       Type
             Part No.    Thread     Thread                        V215L-200    2"        Lever Gate
                                                                  V215L-300    3"        Lever Gate
             V825… HYDRANT GATE VALVE                             V215L-400    4"        Lever Gate
                                                                  V215L-600    6"        Lever Gate
                                                                  V215P-400    4"        Piston Gate
             Hydrant gate valves feature full                     V215P-600    6"        Piston Gate
             flow design and non-rising stems.                    V215LH-200   2" Replacement lever handle
             The  body  is  anodized  aluminum                    V215LH       3" to 6" Replacement lever handle
             with bronze seats, stems, gland,
             gate and male nipple
             V825-250    2 1 ⁄2" BAT   2 1 ⁄2" BAT
             V825CSA-250  2 1 ⁄2" CSA   2 1 ⁄2" CSA                V201PVC valves are suitable for cold water distribution in light
             V825QST-250  2 1 ⁄2" QST   2 1 ⁄2" QST                industrial and agricultural applications. They have Teflon and EPDM
                                                                   rubber seals and are rated for 150 psi at 20°C (68°F).  12
             Replacement Parts:                                                 Pipe
                           Description                            Part No.      Size
             V825G-250     Replacement Gate
             V825H-250     Replacement Handle                     V201PVC… PVC BALL VALVE                              Valves
             V825SN-250    Replacement Stem Nut
             V825SX-250    Replacement Gasket                     V201PVC-050   1 ⁄2"
                                                                  V201PVC-075   3 ⁄4"
                                                                  V201PVC-100   1"
                                                                  V201PVC-125   1 1 ⁄4"
                                                                  V201PVC-150   1 1 ⁄2"
                                                                  V201PVC-200   2"
                                                                  V201PVC-300   3"
             V803… HYDRANT ‘Y’ VALVE                              V201PVC-400   4"

             V803-250-150  2 1 ⁄2” BAT   1 1 ⁄2” NPSH

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