Page 137 - 2022FittingsCatalog
P. 137

SIGHT GLASSES                                           SPRAY BALLS

              Sight Glasses allow you to visually inspect your process lines and   Spray Balls are used in the food & beverage industry to easily
              are used for tracking consistency, colour, and flow. Our Sight   clean inside tanks and pipes. Using high velocity water and
              Glasses are made from Type 316 Stainless Steel, come complete   chemicals when needed, tanks can be quickly sanitized resulting
              with polycarbonate glass and white Nitrile (Buna-N) gaskets,   in less downtime and exposure to cleaning agents. Green Line
              and are available in both 11⁄2" and 2" tri-clamp sizes. They can   carries two types of Spray Balls. Our Rotary Spray Balls come
              easily be taken apart for sanitation, while replacement parts are   complete with 1 ⁄ " tri-clamp connection and are made from
              available should you require them.                    Type 304 Stainless Steel. They have stainless steel ball bearings
                                                                    to eliminate rust and feature a 360° spray pattern to clean any
             Working Pressure: 145 psi                              type of tank or vessel. Our Stationary Spray Balls are made from
             Temperature Range: -10°C (14°F) to 120°C (248°F).
                                                                    Type 316 Stainless Steel and feature a pin-style connection. They
             Part          Fitting                                  are available in three different configurations.
             Number        Size
                                                                  Part         Fitting  Flow     Spray
             G53SG... IN-LINE SIGHT GLASS                         Number       Size   Rate (30 psi) Radius (30 psi)
             G53SG-150     1 1 ⁄2"                                G56SBX... 360° ROTARY STAINLESS SPRAY BALL
             G53SG-200     2"
                                                                  G56SBX-150   1 1 ⁄2"  70 GPM   78"

             G53RGP-150    1 1 ⁄2"                                360° STATIONARY STAINLESS SPRAY BALL
             G53RGP-200    2"                                     G56SB-360-150  1 1 ⁄2"  74 GPM   114"

             G53RGB... REPLACEMENT BOROSILICATE GLASS             G56SB-180T...
                                                                  TOP 180° STATIONARY STAINLESS SPRAY BALL
             G53RGB-150    1 1 ⁄2"                                G56SB-180T-150  1 1 ⁄2"  74 GPM   114"
             G53RGB-200    2"

                                                                  BOTTOM 180° STATIONARY STAINLESS SPRAY BALL
             G53SGX-150    1 1 ⁄2"                                G56SB-180B-150 1 1 ⁄2"  74 GPM   114"
             G53SGX-200    2"

                                                                  REPLACEMENT PIN FOR STATIONARY SPRAY BALL
                                                                  G56SB-RK            1 1 ⁄2"

                                               MIXING STATIONS

               Specially designed to thoroughly blend hot and cold water                                               Stainless & Sanitary
               instantly to achieve a consistent required temperature output,
               our mixing stations can be found in breweries, wineries, food
               processing plants, and just about anywhere washdown service is
               required. These mixing stations use a “Y” style body with check
               valves and ball joint unions for superior flexibility during instal-
               lation and come complete with a mounting plate allowing for
               easy cleaning behind the unit. The included Type 304 stainless
               steel hose rack allows for easy washdown hose access and stor-                                         14
               age. Each unit is rated to 150 psi up to 93°C (200°F) and has
               the option of including a temperature gauge if required.
               Not For Use With Steam. Some Assembly Required. Additional
               configurations available by special request including Type 304
               Stainless Steel Construction or with Ball Valves.

             Part     Approximate       Working    Outlet      Inlet                  Dimensions
             Number   Capacity          Pressure   Female NPT  Female NPT    Height   Width    Depth    Weight
             Brass construction with globe valves rated to 93°C (200°F)
             3600M-B  75 ft of  3 ⁄4" I.D. hose  150 psi  3 ⁄4"  3 ⁄4"       19.9”    10.8”    9.5”     20 lb
             *Temperature Gauge shown is optional. Include by ordering Part No. 3600M-B-T
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