Page 243 - GM booklet 2019 test
P. 243

               a)   Birthday wishes through to all the employees through SMS.
               b)   Requested to plant a tree  in and  around Hyderabad Division area on his/her
                   birthday as  part of Green initiative

            10.5  Staff Amenities:

            Railway Quarters:

            The following are the details of Rly Qtrs available on HYB Division.

                      Type.I     Type.II    Type.III    Type.IV      Total
                       1019        309        157          13        1498

            10.6:  Re-Engagement of Retired Railway Employees on Honorarium Basis:

            The following Retired   Railway Employees have been Re-engaged on  HYB Division to
            over come the shortage of staff and for smooth functioning of the  Administration as per
            Rly.Board guidelines.

                              Department                         No. of employees

                              OPTG                                       31
                              MECH.                                      16
                              ELEC.                                      20
                              S&T                                        05

                              ENGG                                       31
                              COMML.                                     19

                                        Total                            122

            11.  Welfare and Staff Amenities:

            11.1 Institutes:    4 Institutes are functioning on HYB Division.

              S.     Centre/        No.of     Approx 20%       Chairman of        Facilities      Auditng
              No     Location    members        of staff as    the institute      available         done
              1     Bhoiguda        569             Not       Sr.DFM/HYB         Given below*  2011-12
              2     S.LGD           440        Functioning  Sr.DME/HYB                           2011-12
              3     MLY             474        Functioning  SR.MS/MLY                            2014-15
              4     NZB             119            Not        ADEN/NZB                           2011-12

            The following facilities are available in all Four Institutes:

            *1) Reading Room with News papers, 2) Billiards & snookers, 3) Outdoor/indoor games
            (4) Table Tennis, 5) Shuttle Badminton.

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