Page 11 - SAFETY
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10. Safety circulars:
Safety circulars are issued regularly to educate the staff to inculcate safety consciousness and
to appraise the staff with latest information. The following 09 Safety Circulars and 04 General
Circulars were issued up to september 2021.
No. Subject
1/21 Disconnection and Reconnection (SR 3.51.6&APP.XIII)
2/21 Detaching Engine
3/21 Lurch/Conditions likely to affect running of Trains (S.R.6.07)
4/21 Summer Precautions for C&W Officials.
5/21 Precautions to avoid Yard Accidents.
6/21 Monsoon Precautions.
7/21 Non-Interlocked Working (Appendix III).
8/21 GR 3.36(2) Fixed signals generally.
9/21 Duties of Station Master generally when a signal is defective (G&SR 3.68)
No. Subject
1/21 Annual Training Programme for the year 2021 at ZRTI/MLY
2/21 Dos for SMs regarding Interlocking.
3/21 Irregularities noticed in reporting of Untoward Incidents by Operating Staff.
4/21 JPO for testing the working of Signalling and Interlocking arrangements at a
11. Fire fighting class:
Firefighting classes and demonstrations were conducted during refresher course at Area
Training Centre/ Kacheguda and ZRTI/MLY.
12. Schedule of Surprise Night Inspections:
The Schedule of Monthly Surprise Night Inspections on this division is being circulated every
month to all Branch officers. During the year 2021-22, up to september-21, total of 1255
surprise Night Inspections were conducted by Officers and Inspectors and ensure the execution
of inspections by concerned officials.
13. Monitoring of Driving Crew:
Loco Pilots/Asst. Loco Pilots and Guards were subjected to Breathalyzer tests not only at the
time of signing on, but also at the time of signing off with Bio-metric CMS system and also
during night foot plate inspections.
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