Page 6 - SAFETY
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The following measures taken to prevent  the gate open cases:

                 1. Video films showing consequences of Gate open condition, to educate gate man
                     circulated to all Gatemen and also uploaded in the “You Tube”.

                      Link: -
                2.  Safety seminars conducted at different places to counsel gatemen and Station masters.

                    Video film shown during Seminars & counselling sessions.

            8.  Safety Seminars.

             Total 15 Safety Seminars were conducted in the division during the year.
            1.  Safety seminar conducted at DLS/MLY on “Precautions to be observed while working under
               OHE territory” and “General Safety Precautions for electrical Safety” on 23.01.2021.
            2.  Safety  Seminar  conducted  at  CDO  conference  hall  at  KCG  on  “Rolling  in  and  out
               examination” and “securing and stabling of locomotives and load” on 06.03.2021.
            3.  Safety  Seminar  conducted  at  CDO/KCG  depot  on  “Prevention  of  Fire  in  Trains  and  Fire
               extinguishers usage” on 18.03.2021.
            4.  Safety Seminar conducted at CCC/KCG lobby on “Precautions to be taken while backing the
               train” on 23.03.2021.
            5.  Safety Seminar conducted at CCC/KCG lobby on “Rolling down of locomotives/Train and
               Precautions to be taken while backing the train” on 24.03.2021.
            6.  Safety  Seminar  conducted  at  crew  lobby/NZB  on  “Rolling  down  of  locomotives/Train  and
               Precautions to be taken while backing the train” on 27.03.2021.
            7.  Safety Seminar conducted at CDO/KCG depot on “securing and stabling procedure,engine
               changing  procedure,  detection  of  Hot  axle/hot  box  and  wheel  temperature  measuring
               procedure” on 10.07.2021.
            8.  Safety  Seminar conducted at ATC/KCG on “Shunting  precautions,  usage of hand  signals
               and stabling and securing” on 17.07.2021.
            9.  Safety Seminar conducted at ATC/KCG on “prevention of yard derailments” on 24.07.2021.
            10. Safety Seminar conducted at ATC/KCG on “prevention of yard derailments” on 14.08.2021.
            11. Safety Seminar conducted at Crew lobby/NZB on “Prevention of SPAD” on 17.08.2021.
            12. Safety Seminar conducted at CCC/KCG on “Prevention of SPAD” on 20.08.2021.
            13. Safety Seminar conducted at ATC/KCG on “Prevention of Rolling down cases, exchange of
               all right signals, shunting precautions and setting of points” on 28.08.2021.
            14. Safety Seminar conducted at ATC/KCG on “prevention of yard derailments” on 17.09.2021.
            15. Safety Seminar conducted at ATC /KCG on “Prevention of Fire Accidents and usage of Fire
               extinguishers” on 18.09.2021.

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