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Exp.   Exp.           %age
             PROJECT           PB Item                                         Last   upto   during   Anticipate  Phy.
        SN            PH Y-o-S (PB,LB,D       Short Name of Work        Alloc.  Sanc              d TDC of                          REMARKS                     Status
                ID              RM)                                            Cost  March   2020-  Rly portion  progres
                                                                                       '20  2021           s of Rly
    53  2018- PB-729 Kacheguda - Provision of GRP HL tank for   DF(1)  37296  1617  6904  31/08/2021 30  1.5 lakh liter capacity tank completed and 4.00 lakhs Lt Tank   WIP
            1.52.001       2019      station (4 lakh litre capacity) and GRP HL tank                             Work in Progress.  Work in Progress. Funds to a tune of 300
                                     for water recycling plant (1.50 lakh litre capacity)                        Lakhs are required.  TDC 31/08/2021
    53  2018-  -  Secundarabad~~Dhone~~Provisional of one   Cap.  11075  0  0  30/06/2021 0  Only GWD Lift Portion will be taken up. Huppuguda will be   Freeze
         19  7.52.001      2019      additional lift at Gadwal and modification of Foot                          dropped. TDC 30/06/2021.
                                     over bridge at Huppuguda station.
    53  2015-  LB-858 Kacheguda station provision of Water Re-  DF(1)  17263  15632  0  31/03/2021 100  Work Completed. FCC is under process. TDC 31.03.2021  PHC
         20  3.52.002      2016      Cycling Plant of 5.00 Lakh litre capacity
    53  2018-  LB-855 Kacheguda-Up-gradation of Carriage watering   Cap.  30025  0  5771  31/05/2021 25  Work in progress. TDC 30/05/2021  PHC
         21  3.52.001      2019      facility between Platform No. 1 & 2 at Kachiguda
    53  2018-  LB-860 Provision of New Platform along with new FOB  RRSK  66391  9926  1199  30/09/2021 20  MZL  New PF Work completed. DHP  & KEK  work in progress.    WIP
         22  3.52.002      2019                                                                                  FOB at MZL work stopped due to shortage of funds Variation
                                                                                                                 under process. TDC 30/09/2021
    53  2018-  LB-868 Redevelopment of Kurnool City station 1)   Cap.  14483  9331  0  31/03/2021 80  Work Nearing Completion. Interior works are in Progress. TDC -   PHC
            3.52.009       2019      Tensile type structures of car parking, auto                                31.03.2021.
                                     parking, drop and pickup point etc. 2) Foot Path
    53  2018-  LB-861 KRNT Station : Redevelopment of  KRNT   Cap.  19700  8084  5527  31/05/2021 85   Work in progress. 85% physical work completed. TDC   PHC
         24  3.52.010      2019      Railway station ( S & T Cost)                                               31.05.2021.
    53  2018-  LB-863 Redevelopment of Kurnool City Railway station -  Cap.  24500  22771  687  31/03/2021 95  Work Nearing Completion. Structure completed. Interior works in  PHC
         25  3.52.011      2019      Provision of Station building.                                              progress. TDC 31.03.2021
    53  2018-  LB-864 Redevelopment of Kurnool City Railway station:  Cap.  24800  16909  7598  31/03/2021 81  Work Nearing Completion. Name Boards, Central Island Work in  PHC
         26  3.52.012      2019      Circulating area including raising (Main entry)                             Progress. TDC - 31.03.2021
    53  2018-  LB-865 Redevelopment of Kurnool City Railway station  Cap.  21000  15530  5000  31/03/2021 95  Work Completed, Combined agreement with other works. TDC    PHC
            3.52.013       2019      to address decongestion of vehicular flow it is                             31.03.2021
                                     relocate the service buildings.
    53  2018-  LB-866 Redevelopment of Kurnool city Railway station:  Cap.  23400  16394  6165  31/03/2021 95  Work Nearing Completion. Portico work in progress. TDC-   PHC
            3.52.014       2019      1) Space deck portico 2) Improvements to                                    31.03.2021
                                     drainage system  3) Remodelling
    53  2018-  LB-857 Hyderabad Division-Extension of existing FOBs  RRSK  34500  2602  0  31/03/2021 10  KMC completed  (UMRI Work not started work will be deleted   PHC
         29  3.52.015      2019      at Kamareddi and Umri stations.                                             after booking of full expenditure in KMC). TDC 31/03/2021
    53  2018-  LB-867 Redevelopment of Kurnool City Railway station  Cap.  14000  4888  12814  31/03/2021 90  Face lift to front elevation completed. Entrance arch completed   PHC
         30  3.52.016      2019      1) Face lift to front elevation and CC pathway 2)                           remaining ancillary works nearing completion. TDC 31.03.2021.
                                     Entrance arch 3) RCC Ramp of PF No 1, 2&3
    53  2018-  LB-859 Raising of platforms height and extension of   RRSK  110690  24872  1983  30/06/2021 40  Raising and extension completed at SFX, DYE,ALW,AMQ,CVB &  PHC
            3.52.018       2019      platform along with provision of New FOBs                                   UMRI. Work in progress at BOZ. Ext.PF at LGDH yet to start due
                                                                                                                 to non completion of box work at LC no. 256. TDC - 30/06/2021
    53  2018-  LB-878 Infrastructure improvements duly including   Cap.  22351  3372  7459  31/03/2022 50  Work in Progress. SFX, ALW stn building work nearing   WIP
            3.52.019       2019      toilets, toilets for Divyang, Fencing wall and                              completion. RKO work started. LGDH work yet to commence.
                                     Retaining wall and other ancillary works @
    53  2018-  LB-879 Infrastructure improvements duly including   Cap.  22351  3522  7459  31/03/2022 50  Work in Progress. ALW stn building work completed. CVB,AMQ
                                                                                                                 Circulating area work will be taken up shortly. TDC - 31/03/2022.&  WIP
            3.52.020       2019      toilets, toilets for Divyang, Fencing                                       BOZ work will be taken up shortly. TDC - 31/03/2022
                                     wall,Retaining wall and other ancillary works @
                                     AMQ, CVB, ALW,BOZ
    53  2018-  LB-880 HYB Div: Circulating area, Drainage,etc at   Cap.  15880  0  1600  31/03/2022 20  Work in Progress. COP work at DYE completed. circulating area   WIP
         34  3.52.021      2019      LGDH, SFX, RKO and cover over platform as                                   work at SFX, ALW in progress. TDC - 31/03/2022
                                     per norms at DYE and BOZ.
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