Page 3 - PH-5300
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Exp. Exp. %age
PROJECT PB Item Last upto during Anticipate Phy.
SN PH Y-o-S (PB,LB,D Short Name of Work Alloc. Sanc d TDC of REMARKS Status
ID RM) Cost March 2020- Rly portion progres
'20 2021 s of Rly 53 2018- LB-881 HYB Div: Circulating area, drainage, etc at four Cap. 14228 0 1600 31/12/2021 25 ALW circulating area Work in Progress. TDC - 31/12/2021. WIP
35 3.52.022 2019 stations AMQ, CVB, ALW, BOZ. 53 2018- LB-869 Mudkhed jn~~Raising of platforms from Rail RRSK 22941 1326 6740 31/07/2021 35 Work in Progress at UPW, JKM & NVT. TDC 31/07/2021 PHC
3.52.028 2019 level to High level at UPW,JKM,NVT & SVN 53 2018- LB-872 Raising of platforms from Medium level to High RRSK 21489 168 0 30/06/2021 10 PF Work In Progress at SCP,IDL. TDC 30/06/2021. (UMRI Work PHC
3.52.031 2019 level at IDL and SCP stations and extension of not started work will not be taken up at UMRI, work will be deleted
platform at UMRI station.
Work In Progress at KMC. For DAB CRS sanction required for 53 2018- LB-870 Extension of Platform at KMC and DAB Stations. RRSK 14256 3916 1264 31/12/2021 45 after completion of SCP & IDL). WIP
3.52.032 2019 shifting of hot axle siding. TDC 31/12/2021 53 2018- LB-871 Nizamabad - Mudkhed jn-Raising of platforms to RRSK 25186 212 1264 30/09/2021 15 PF Work in Progress at BDHN, BLSA,KEK. TDC 30/09/2021. WIP
39 3.52.034 2019 High level platforms at BLSA, YDP, BDHN and (YDP part of work can be deleted after completion of works at
KEK stations. balance stations) 53 2018- LB-875 Extension of platforms at VDI, FM and DKC and RRSK 25014 2394 3939 30/06/2021 30 Bridge extension work to be done at FM. MQN Platform surface PHC
40 3.52.035 2019 raising of platforms to High level platforms at work completed, VDI, DKC PF surface work in progress. TDC -
MQN and VDI stations. 30.06.2021 53 2018- LB-876 Extension of Foot over bridge into circulating RRSK 18257 495 3038 30/06/2022 10 Work put on hold, will be started after shifting of goods shed to Freeze
3.52.036 2019 area at NZB station. JKM. TDC 30/06/2022. 53 2018- LB-873 SC -Dhone-Raising of platforms to high level RRSK 23804 0 4050 30/09/2021 30 MOA - Work in progress. KQQ -work will be taken up next year. WIP
42 3.52.037 2019 platforms at MOA, MHBT and KQQ stations. MHBT work proposed for dropping.
TDC - 30.09.2021 53 2018- LB-874 Raising of platform to High level platforms at RRSK 24026 0 7280 30/09/2021 40 BVO & UKD Work in Progress. ALPR work proposed for dropping. WIP
43 3.52.038 2019 BVO, UKD and ALPR stations. TDC - 30.09.2021 53 2018- LB-882 Kacheguda - Extension of platforms at RRSK 24907 0 6645 30/06/2021 30 Work In Progress. TDC 30/06/2021 PHC
3.52.041 2019 Kacheguda station. 53 2018- LB-883 Indalvai - Raising of Platform No.2 to High level RRSK 25134 3121 6865 31/05/2021 60 IDL PF work completed, FOB work in progress and launching PHC
3.52.042 2019 and provision of Foot over bridge at Indalvai completed. TDC 31/05/2021
Station. 53 2018- LB-886 Hyderabad Division: Mahabubnagar: Cap. 14184 0 1600 31/05/2021 50 Work in Progress, Targeted for completion by Dec 2020. TDC - PHC
46 3.52.043 2019 Improvements to circulating area towards offside 31.05.2021
(Motinagar side). 53 2018- LB-887 Hyderabad Division: Kacheguda Station: Cap. 23993 0 1145 30/09/2021 10 Work In Progress. Funds to the tune of 80 lakhs are required for WIP
47 3.52.045 2019 Improvements to circulating area at Golnaka for the current financial year. TDC 30/09/2021
side with TIB, parking shed, vehicle lanes, etc. 53 2018- LB-856 Nizamabad : Provision of COP for full length Cap. 25249 7913 0 31/07/2021 45 Flooring Work in progress. COP work completed. TDC 31/07/2021 PHC
48 3.52.046 2019 platform and improvements to Platform
surface,water pedestals and Dado 53 2018- LB-888 Replacement of Non RDSO type Train indication Cap. 23700 11389 11175 31/07/2021 50 Work completed at KMC and SHNR. Work in progress at JCL. PHC
49 3.52.048 2019 and Coach indication Boards with RDSO TDC 31/07/2021
approved type TIBs and CIBs at KMC, SHNR & 53 2018- LB-884 Hyderabad Division:Provision of 2 High mast Cap. 7000 0 6026 31/03/2021 100 Elec. portion completed & final bill drawn,S&T final bill yet to be PHC
3.52.049 2019 lights each at BDHN, JCL, MBNR & KMC passed. TDC 31.03.21.
stations for goods loading/unloading. 53 2018- LB-891 Basar~~Provision of 2 lifts at Basar Station RRSK 9717 0 4625 31/03/2021 80 Work in progress, 01 no of Lift PO bill for Rs.2262400/-paid in PHC
51 3.52.051 2019 feb'21,TDC 31/03/2021. 53 2018- LB-890 Provision of 3 lifts with break up of 2 lifts at RRSK 14068 0 876 30/06/2021 20 Work in Progress, GWD 1 LIFT TDC 30/06/2021. HPG yet to start PHC
52 3.52.052 2019 Huppuguda railway station , 1 lift at Gadwal
railway stations. 53 2018- LB-889 Sitaphalmandi~~Provision of 3 lifts at RRSK 14787 0 11530 31/03/2021 98 01 no of lift PO bill paid for Rs.2262400/-paid in Feb'21, work in PHC
3.52.053 2019 Sitaphalmandi Railway station. progress, TDC 31.03.21 53 2019- LB-898 RDSO approved Coach and train indication Cap. 14477 0 0 0 Requested RVNL to Provide Funds. Reply awaited Once Reply is Abeyan
3.52.002 2020 boards on Platform 1 and 2 at MED. received from RVNL further course of action will be taken. ce 53 2019- LB-900 Provision of monumental flag at KMC, GWD, Cap. 6352 0 0 31/03/2021 25 Work completed at KMC, Recommended for Deletion. TDC Abeyan
55 3.52.003 2020 MED and UR stations. 31/03/2021 ce