Page 3 - P S - Mech C & W
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  Other End Maintenance (OEM) at BDHN:

                               Train No.       From         To           Load        Frequency

                                 57474         KCG-BDHN-KCG                10           Daily

                        Other End Maintenance (OEM) at MZL:

                                Train No.              From-To           Load      Frequency

                                  57503           MZL-BDHN Pass            3          Daily
                                  57448           MBNR-MZL pass            10         Daily

                        Sick Lines in Coaching depots:
                                                 Working                  IOH  Shed -  working
                                          Capacity (in Coaches)          capacity (in Coaches)
                            KCG                      1                               2

                       Work for  relocation  of  IOH shed  has  been sanctioned  at  KCG under PH 4200
                       PWP 17-18. Work is under Execution, TDC – 31.07.21.

               4.  Requirement of Coaches & Holding (as on 01.03.2021):

                                         Depot                               KCG
                                         Bare requirement                     454

                                         Total requirement                    496
                                         Actual holding (incl. spares)        521

               5.  Infrastructure for Maintenance of Coaching Trains

                                       Pit                   Pit       Cat     HP    Drain   M&
                             Depot             Capacity
                                       line                 lights    walks     jet   age     P
                                      PL-2        24          A         A       A      A      A
                              KCG     PL-3        24          A         A       A      A      A
                                      PL-4        24          A         A       A      A      A

                     Note:  A – Available, NA-Not available

               6.  Mechanized Laundry:

                      Maintenance of departmental laundry of 2 Ton capacity per day.
                      As the capacity of departmental laundry is not adequate, 2Ton/day linen washing is also

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