Page 6 - P S - Mech C & W
P. 6

  CC  cameras  are  installed  to  monitor  the  cleaning  activities  through  CC

                            Sl. No.             Station                   CCTV Available
                               1       KCG                                     27 Nos.
                               2       NZB                                     12 Nos.
                               3       KRNT                                    25 nos.
                               4       BSX                                     08 Nos.

                     Afforestation

                                             Target                                   Actual
                              For the Month         Cumulative        For the Month         Cumulative
                             Route     No. of    Route      No. of    Route  No. of      Route       No. of
                               Km      Trees     Km/Ha      Trees      Km      Trees     Km/Ha       Trees
                Plantation    8.33     10000      91.63    110000       25     30000     150.00     180000
                Plantation     15      15000       165     165000       10     10000     160.0      160000
                Plantation    0.27     8333.3     2.97      91666       0        0         0.3       10000

                     Rain Water Harvesting (No. of Pits)

                                  Target                        Actual
                                      80 Nos                    78 Nos.

                     Energy Conservation

               Renewable Energy

                                       For the Month of      Cumulative for the
                       Item               Feb -2021           Year 2020-2021        For the Month of Feb -
                                      Target      Actual      Target      Actual
               Renewable                                                              Field survey under
               Energy                300kWp          -       3000kWp        0          progress by M/s.
               Commissioned                                                                 REMCL
                                                                                     Under process at 11
               Energy Audits             1           0           1          0

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