Page 1 - safety
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Safety is the paramount responsibility of each and every Railway employee. Individual executive and
technical departments look after and are accountable for safety within their own departments.
The Safety department assists the management in monitoring the implementation of safety measures on
the Railways and in developing strategies to improve the safety record.
Safety consciousness amongst Railway employee is promoted through man to man counseling, safety
circulars, safety seminars and safety drives.
Safety propaganda to promote safety consciousness among the Public/Passengers is done through, a)
film shows at Stations and outside locations like Pilgrim centers, Melas/Jatras, b) display of posters at
villages and at stations, c) Display of banners, Hoardings at Stations and LCs and d) distribution of
pamphlets at MLCs, villages nearby and at Toll gates on the highway.
1. Organization Chart
Senior Divisional Safety officer heads the Safety wing, assisted by 5 safety counselors and one
TI/safety, reports to DRM.
Safety Highlights
Seminars conducted at KCG Lobby, ATC/KCG, NZB, MED, DLS/MLY, ECS/MLY and
CDO/KCG to avoid shortcut methods, prevention of SPAD, Unusual incidents & Yard
derailments, Fire Safety measures and practical demonstration, checking the defects during
Rolling in and out examination and to prevent accidents involving front line staff from all safety
related departments.
To prevent yard accidents surprise inspections have been conducted at major yards to find out
if any short cut methods are being adopted during shunting.
Staff who were instrumental in preventing major un-usual occurrence have been suitably
rewarded by sending their names for Man of the Month Award at PCSO level.
Conducted cross safety audits at other divisions at Hyderabad station of SC division
and Nalgonda station of GNT division.
Ambush checks conducting to know the sober condition of safety related staff, CUG mobile
checks, unauthorized persons entering in LP’s cab, exchange of all right signals, speed gun
checks, shunting activities, engine changing, stabling and securing of locomotives and
vehicles and alertness of the station staff and gatemen.
Internal Safety Audit inspection of KCG and MJF stations conducted by HQ Safety team
consisting PCSO, CTM/G&PP, CSE, CEE/PLG&OP, CRSE and CE/Bridge rehabilitation on
11.11.2020 & 12.11.2020.
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