Page 4 - safety
P. 4
a) Yard & Misc. Accidents during the year 2020-21 : One
1. On 11.06.2021 at about 17.00 hrs., MMTS empty rake while performing shunting from
Engine Line- 2 to Engine Line -1, coach no. SC 412030 which was7 coach from leading
motor cab has taken two routes while passing through point No 22 and got derailed. It was
further dragged approximately 61.35 mtrs from the point of drop on stabling line and
entangled with SC 07728 SLR of Manuguru spl. which was stabled on Stable line No. 01.
(Cause: the cause of the derailment was due to Pointsman for not ensuring proper setting
of point no:22 in the favour of the movement).
The following staff were held responsible:
I) Primary:
1.Sri. SK. Jani Miya, Points man-A, MLY/‘G’-cabin
(“Two sets of privilege passes is withheld for the year 2021 with immediate effect, keeping in
view of his superannuation in the month of October ‘21)
2. Sri. Kupender, (SSE/PPO/ECS/MLY)
(Imposed a penalty of “Reduction to lower stage by one stage for a period of 06 months(NC)”.
II) Secondary:
1. Sri. B. Kishan, Technician-III/ECS/MLY
(Imposed a penalty of “withholding of all privilege passes for the year 2021”)
2. 2. Sri M.Venkatesh, (Tech-I), Acting shift in-charge/ECS/MLY
(Imposed a penalty of “CENSURE”)
III) Blame worthy:
1. Sri N.Sukumar, SSE/PPIO/ECS/MLY. (Issued Warning letter).
b) Other Train Accidents : Two.
1. On 25.06.2021 at about 17.30 hrs., DN Light Engine No. 40530/KJM/WDP4D while on run
between KRNT-DUU section, one pair of front wheels (L1 and R1) derailed (DHNE end) at
km. 244/7 between KRNT-DUU section.
(Cause: Boulder on the Track).
2. On 23.9.2021 at 06.55hrs., While admitting Down NMG Empty goods on First loop line at
SVN station from Engine, Second coach rear trolley 4 wheels derailed on point no.7A.
(Inquiry under progress).
c) Consequential Train Accidents and SPAD during the current year 2021-22: NIL.
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