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2.     Industrial Health Performance

                  Sl No       Health Unit       Man days lost     Man days lost      Man days
                                                     RMC             due IOD         lost PMC       Sick %

                   01            KCG                17395               44              3689         1.83
                   02            MBNR                4655               97              225           1.8
                   03            KRNT                4917               40              424           1.8

                3.     Medical Examination

                 SL.     Description                             During the year
                   1     Total No. of AEMG cases                 23
                   2     Medical Reimbursement                   33
                   3     Initial medical examination for         111
                         candidates ( A2 and below)
                   4     PME for employees                       A1 - 194
                                                                 A2 and below- 668

                4.     Staff Strength Health Unit wise

                              Medical                                                  Hospital
                HEALTH         Officer    Pharmacist  Nurse/Nursing  Dresser          Attendant    Safaiwala
                  UNIT                                       Sister
                             S  A  V  S        A    V    S     A     V    S  A  V     S    A  V  S  A  V
                  KCG        2   2    0   4    4    0     1     1    0    1  1  0     4    4  0  1  1  0
                 MBNR        1   1    0   1    1    0     1     1    0    0  0  0     1    1  0  1  1  0
                 KRNT        1   1    0   1    1    0     1     1    0    0  0  0     1    1  0  1  1  0

                5.     ARME Scale – II & POMKAs: - Available at MBNR. The contents of ARME Scale
                       – II & POMKAs are as per list and CMS/HYB and DMO/MBNR are inspecting
                       the ARME and POMKAs regularly as per the Schedule.

                6.     Health Inspectors and Sanitation Staff:

                                                  Health          A.M.Khalasi             Safaiwala
                            UNIT                Inspector
                                              S     A     V      S      A      V      S       A        V
                  Health Inspector/ KCG        1     1    0      1      0      1      0       0        0
                  Health Inspector/KCG         1     1    0      1      0      1      6       6        0
                  Health Inspector/            1     1    0      1      0      1      1       1        0

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