Page 5 - P S - Medical
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10. Family Welfare Activities:
Sl.No. Family Welfare Activities HU/KCG HU/MBNR HU/KRNT
01 House visits made by Nursing Staff 26 0 0
02 Polio drops 216 96 72
03 D.P.T . 0 13 18
04 Tetanus Toxoid for all 66 35 48
05 Measles / MMR 0 8 12
06 Anti Rabies vaccine doses 24 50 14
07 Eligible Couples 33 0 54
08 Vasectomy operations done 0 0 0
09 Tubectomy operations done 0 0 1
10 Oral Pills 92 0 99
11 Hepatitis „B‟ 0 0 4
11. Annual Wellness Assurance Health Check up :-
S.No Health Unit No. of Employees Employees Covered
1. HYB-Bhavan 450 0
2. Kacheguda 2677 835
3. MBNR 520 0
4. KRNT 547 0
12. Action plan for prevention of COVID
a. Screening test of the HYB Bhavan staff was conducted on 18 September 2020
b. Covid Screening test was conducted at C&W/KCG depot on 24 September 2020
c. Two nos of buses were arranged for transport of Doctors and paramedical staff to
from CH/LGD and their residence.
d. Ambulance was arranged for Health Unit/NZB for a period of 3 months from
01.10.2020 to 31.12.2020
e. Covid vaccination for Health Care Workers implemented.
13. Raj - Bhasha Implementation:
Doctors, HIs, Pharmacists, & Staff Nurses are having Hindi Knowledge. Passes,
PTOs, OP Registers, Sick list Registers, Drugs Registers etc. are being written in Hindi.
Correspondence with head office is being done bilingual.