Page 3 - trd
P. 3

TKM           Required staff                  Sanctions  Act  SHORTFALL

               Sub-urban  As per yard stick (Sub-              As on
               + Non sub- urban 0.70, Non Sub-                 date
               urban           urban 0.22)

                 155.732                                                              41
                               111 + 62
                 +149.048                                      76              35
                               = 173

               Creation of 23 posts is pending Rly.board.

               For creation of 51 posts in UR-MBNR sectionletter has been sent PCPO in
               April 2021 after divisional approval and finance concurrence.

               IV.    Special  Works carried out in HYB division:

               RVNL Railway Electrification works

               Staff were deputed at UR – GLY &GWD – RC sections for joint checking of TRD assets.

               V.   Punctuality cases- Failures:

               SlNo       Reason                                            2021-22(APR-MAY)

               1          Block burst             -                         -

               2          Insulator failures      -                         -

               3          Maintenance             -                         -

               4          Miscellaneous           -                         -

                          Head on
               5                                  -                         -

               Total                              -                         -

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