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P. 7
Performance Statistics:
Action Plan items for the year 2021-22
Sl. Item in brief Target Progress upto
No. 30.09.2021
Site inspection
Provision of Netlon mesh in portal booms
1 1 completed. work under
to prevent nesting by birds
Elimination of IOL's/ SI's before STOP Tender due for
2 1
signals opening on 25.10.2021
3 Digitalization of LOPs & OHE drawings 56 TKM Work under Progress
Status of Maintenance of OHE Assets:
Cum. target Cum. % of
S. Yearly progress
No Description Target up to upto schedules
30.09.2021 done.
1 Turnouts 29 18 29 80 %
2 Crossovers 46 30 29 97 %
3 Section Insulators 58 36 36 100 %
4 PTFE 12 6 5 83 %
5 AOH OF ATDs 281 168 165 98 %
6 AOH of IOL 47 30 30 100 %
7 AOH of UIOL 58 36 32 89 %
8 OH of CLs 2400 1440 1403 91 %
9 Isolators 66 39 93 %
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