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               Organisation Chart:

                       The EMU Car Shed/ Moula-Ali was established as a part of MMTS Project as per
                   memorandum of understanding signed  between Ministry of Railways and the then
                   State Government of Andhra Pradesh. Creation of maintenance facilities for Electric
                   Multiple Units has been under taken at MLY car shed and started operations from
                   9  August 2003. It is entrusted to carry out  inspection schedule maintenance i.e.,
                   Night/  Brake  inspection,  Trip,  IA  &  IC,  9   Monthly.  It  is  also  carrying  out  POH  of
                   complete traction electrics and few sensitive pneumatic equipments of EMU/MEMU

                       A  total  of  9  EMU  rakes  are  catering  121  MMTS  services  (EMU)  with  12-  Car
                   formation each are being run in the twin cities of Hyderabad &Secunderabad over
                   SC-HYB, HYB-LPI, LPI-FM, FM-HYB routes.

                       Earlier to lockdown 06 No. MEMU rakes of 12- Car formation each are running
                   between  SC-HYB-TDU-KZJ-DKJ-BZA-GNT-BTTR-GDR-MAS-KBT  and  01  MEMU
                   Rake  of  08-  Car  formation  running  between  FM-BG/ZN    sections.  Three  MEMU
                   Rakes of 12-Car formation with 3- Phase technology giving services.

                       At  present,  the  services  are  running  between  SC-KZJ-SC,KZJ-BZA-KZJ,KZJ-
                   BPQ-KZJ and SC-SUH-SC.

                        Vide Railway Board Ltr.No 2018/Elect(G)/181/4 dtd:11.01.2021, out of 06 no 8
                   car  3  phase  rakes  allotted  to  SCR,  01  rake  arrived  to  MLY  car  shed    on
                   25.02.21.This rake is under commissioning.

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