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Infrastructure available:

               1. Inspection Shed:- 03 pit lines and 04 catwalk arrangement with an overall length of
                   288.10mts/pitline, to undertake Trip/IA/IC schedules of EMU & MEMU Rakes of 12-
               2. POH/ Heavy Repair Shed:- 03 repair bays (HL, ML & LL) with an overall size of 150
                   x 48 mts to undertake Heavy repair / POH schedule and other major unscheduled
               3. Washing Lines:-02 washing lines with catwalk arrangement for washing of  EMU &
                   MEMU rakes of 9 car rake formation. Extension facility for 12- Car rake is under
               4. Stabling Lines:-03 stabling lines are available to stable EMU/MEMU rakes of 16
                   car length. These lines are used to stable any empty/spare rake .
               5. Pit wheel lathe:- 01 No of conventional type Pit wheel lathe of M/s HYT make is
                   available. Any irregularity in wheel Dia or profile will be rectified in the pit wheel lathe
               6. Oil filtration plant: 01 No oil filtration plant of M/s CEE DEE Make is available for
                    Filtration of transformer oil of EMU/MEMU coaches.
               8. AMM Stores depot:-Stores depot available for procurement and storage of Stock
                   (Regular consumables) / Non-stock items.

               Staff Position:

                     Actuals and Vacancy Position of EMU Car shed as on 28.02.2021

           Sl.    CATEGOR                          GRAD              ECS/MLY
           No          Y            SCALE          E PAY      S         A         V / E          Remarks
           I. SUPERVISORS
            1.       SSE          9300-34800       4600      16         13          3/0
            2.        JE          9300-34800       4200      09         07          2/0
                                                             25         20
           II.  ARTISANS
            3.     Sr. Tech       9300-34800       4200      31         30          1/0
            4.     Tech Gr.I     5200 – 20200      2800      74         45         29/0
            5.    Tech Gr.II     5200 – 20200      2400      11         09          2/0
            6.    Tech Gr.III    5200 – 20200      1900      20      18+  20$      2/20     18 App tech training
                                                                                             completed.02 are
                                                                                               under training.
                                                            136        122
           II. UN.SKILLED
            7.     Group D       5200 – 20200      1800      36         18         18/0
                                                             36         18
                     GRAND TOTAL (I+II+III)                 197        160        57/20

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