Page 4 - P S - Engineering
P. 4

3. Track machine utilisation:

                 Sl No        Type of Machine         Target 2020-21          Progress up to  Feb‟21
                    1      Tie Tamping Machine            1300 Km                     1466 Km
                    2      Unimat                          500 Pts                     478 Pts
                    3      BCM                             80 Km                      76.00 Km

               4. Level crossing works

               Elimination of Manned Level Crossings.

            Sl     Description of       Boards  Internal
            No          item            Target     Target       up to                   Remarks
                                                               Feb 21
                 Construction of
             1                             -           -          -                          -
                 Road Over Bridge
                                                                             LC No: 18,26, 44, 49, 109, 112,
                 Construction of
             2   Limited Height           10          12          14      119, 140 on SC-DHNE section, LC
                                                                            No: 245, 232, 230, 224, 213, 208
                                                                                  on SC-MUE section
                 Closure of Level
                 crossings on
             3                             -           -          -                          -
                 account of
                 diversion of Traffic
                 Closure of Level
                 crossings on
             4                             -           -          -                          -
                 account of meager

               5. Relaxation of Permanent Speed Restrictions.

                     Target 2020-21 = 02 Nos
                     Completed = 02 Nos

                                  Existing PSR
          No       Km         Section         SR            Reasons
                                                                           Relaxed to 100 Kmph in Jan‟2021
                 218/0-      IKI-MOA-                   Consolidation of  (Caution order of 04 Kms length has
          01                               75 Kmph
                  222/0        ALPR                          Track         been made as caution order of  01
                                                                           Km length)
                 491/0-                                   4 D curve in     Relaxed to 75 Kmph in Feb‟2021
          02                UPW-SCP        60 Kmph
                  492/0                                   Ghat section

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