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5. On 17-8-2021, almost all the footboards on the left side of the train no.07625 were found
badly bent and required repair/replacement within the allowed 6 hours maintenance time.
Staff from IOH shed were deputed for taking up necessary repairs. As many as 22 foot
boards were replaced with new ones and 28 have been repaired and the rake was
released as per the schedule time. The work done by the staff is appreciable.
6. Three trees planted in front of the Coaching depot/KCG building in the year 2006
have grown to a height of 7 mtrs. These trees were to be removed during track
extension work. These trees were transplanted to the new IOH shed building on
17th Sept 2021. All the staff & supervisors of the depot have voluntarily come
forward with their contributions and made it possible.
7. ARTEFACTS prepared using scrap material by CDO/KCG staff and placed in the South
Lallaguda X Road circle.
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