Page 20 - Sheppard Mullin Capabilities Overview Prepared for Regeneron
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           Investigations Team
Sheppard Mullin’s Investigations Team has extensive experience guiding clients, large and small, through civil and criminal investigations. Our practice boasts a deep bench, including former Federal (Assistant U.S. Attorneys) and state (Deputy District Attorneys) prosecutors, Federal monitors, investigators, and high-level government officials, with the knowledge and expertise to assist companies with the most challenging investigations. Our extensive experience includes internal ethics investigations, regulatory compliance, responses to subpoenas and civil investi- gative demands, as well as criminal search warrants, investigations, and grand jury proceedings, all the way through trial and appeal. We represent a broad base of clients, including aerospace and defense contractors, healthcare entities, financial services institutions and brokerages, institutions of higher education, and telecommunications providers.
                      Because of the nature of white collar and civil fraud matters, it is critical that steps be taken to preserve the repu- tation of our clients in their business dealings with shareholders, regulators, and the press, among other constitu- encies. Sheppard Mullin excels at minimizing potentially negative public relations through swift action and strategy.
Regardless of the allegations, and the enforcement authority involved, we can help.
Our Team has helped clients navigate their most challenging investigations:
 • Internal Investigations
• White Collar Defense and Investigations
• Federal and State Law Enforcement Investigations (DOJ, FBI, State AGs)
• Cross-Border Investigations
• Federal Inspector General Investigations (DOD, GSA, HHS, DHS)
• Federal Audits (DCAA, GSA)
• Federal Mandatory Disclosure Rule Investigations
• Securities and Financial Industry Investigations (SEC, FINRA)
• International Trade Investigations (DDTC and BIS)
• Multi-Jurisdictional Matters (multiple Federal agencies, multiple state enforcement authorities)
• Independent Investigations for Institutions of Higher Education
• Congressional Investigations
 Brussels | Century City | Chicago | Dallas | Houston | London | Los Angeles | New York | Orange County
San Diego (Downtown) | San Diego (Del Mar) | San Francisco | Seoul | Shanghai | Silicon Valley | Washington, D.C.
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