Page 11 - 2021 ABLE Conference Brochure
P. 11
Thursday, August 12th
11:00 - 11:15 a.m. Day 2 Welcome
John Jarvis, Ph.D., Academic Dean, FBI Training Division
11:15 - 11:20
11:20 - 11:25
11:25 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.
Logistics and Agenda Overview
Lisa A. Kurtz, ABLE Project Director, Innovative Policing Program at Georgetown University Law Center
Transition to Breakouts
Breakout Round #1
Track A: Why ABLE?
Moderator: Lisa A. Kurtz, ABLE Project Director, Innovative Policing Program at
Georgetown University Law Center Panelists:
• Travis Brooks, Sergeant, New Orleans Police Department
• Jerry Clayton, Sheriff, Washtenaw County (MI)
• Arlinda Westbrook, Deputy Chief, Public Integrity Bureau, New Orleans Police Department
Track B: Teaching Excellence
Moderator: Chris Goodly, Deputy Chief, Management Services Bureau, New Orleans
Police Department Panelists:
• Terry Bean, Officer and EPIC/ABLE Instructor, New Orleans Police Department • Deidre Magee, Academic Director, New Orleans Police Department
• Brett Parson, Lead Instructor, ABLE
Track C: From New Orleans to the Nation: Bringing ABLE to All 50 States (Plus Canada!) Moderator: Jonathan Aronie
• Josh Bronson, Director of Education & Leadership Development, International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA)
• Scot Huntsberry, ABLE At Large Instructor and Supervisory Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
• BJ Wagner, Executive Director, Caruth Police Institute
Breakout Round #2
Track A: Supporting ABLE as an Agency Leader
Moderator: Jonathan Aronie, Chair, ABLE Project Board of Advisors, and Partner,
Sheppard Mullin Panelists:
• Deirdre Jones, Chief of Police/Director of Security, Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
• John Scippa, Director, New Hampshire Police Standards and Training
• John Thomas, Chief Deputy Superintendent, New Orleans Police Department
Track B: Exploring the Social Science
Moderator: Abigail Tucker, Psy.D., ABLE Training Psychologist and Private Practitioner,
SHE Consulting, LLC Panelists:
• Catherine Sanderson, Chair of Psychology, Amherst College
• Ervin Staub, ABLE Founding Partner, Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Founding Director, The Psychology of Peace and Violence Program, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
12:10 - 12:15
12:15 - 1:00
10. | Fourth Annual Law Enforcement Active Bystandership Conference