Page 13 - 2021 ABLE Conference Brochure
P. 13

  4:35 - 4:40
4:40 - 5:00
Track C: Don’t Go It Alone: Leveraging Local and National Partners for Success Moderator: Madeleine Landrieu, Dean and Judge Adrian G. Duplantier Distinguished
Professor of Law, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Panelists:
• Cynthia Deitle, JD, LLM, Director, Associate General Counsel | Civil Rights, Facebook
• Miri Miller, Deputy General Counsel, Americas, dentsu
• Otha Sandifer, Deputy Chief, Professional Standards and Accountability Bureau, New Orleans Police Department
Transition to Plenary Session
What’s Next?
Roy Austin, Vice President for Civil Rights and Deputy General Counsel, Facebook
5:00 - 5:15 Closing Remarks
• Superintendent Shaun Ferguson, New Orleans Police Department
• Dean Madeleine Landrieu, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law
Attendees can submit questions using the chat function on the Zoom platform. Please note that presenters may not have time to answer all questions. The chat feature will allow you to submit questions to presenters.
All attendee cameras will be off and microphones will be muted. The chat feature has been disabled. As noted above, questions can be submitted through the Zoom platform.
Attendees will use the same link to access the conference on both days. Access links can be shared with colleagues, but should not be posted publicly since the Zoom platform has a limit on the number of attendees it can accommodate.
Polling Questions
We may share polling questions with attendees over the course of the conference. Responses will be kept confidential. Only aggregate data will be shared.
      12. | Fourth Annual Law Enforcement Active Bystandership Conference

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