Page 12 - 2021 ABLE Conference Brochure
P. 12
1:00 - 2:00
2:00 - 2:45
2:45 - 2:55
2:55 - 3:40
Track C: Evidence-Informed Practices: Measuring Success Speakers:
• Christy Lopez, Professor from Practice and Co-Director, Innovative Policing Program at Georgetown University Law Center
• Lisa A. Kurtz, ABLE Project Director, Innovative Policing Program at Georgetown University Law Center
• Neel Sukhatme, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center
Keynote Address by Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael Harrison
Breakout Round #3
Track A: Bringing ABLE Home: Implementation Best Practices
Moderator: Lisa A. Kurtz, ABLE Project Director, Innovative Policing Program at
Georgetown University Law Center Panelists:
• Elisa DiTrolio, Management Analyst Senior, Denver Police Department • Michele Irizarry, Deputy Chief, New York Police Department
• Stephen Clark, Captain, Philadelphia Police Department
Track B: Building Buy-In: Ambassador Round Table
Moderator: Paul Noel, Deputy Chief, Investigation and Support Bureau,
New Orleans Police Department Panelists:
• Shumeca Garrison, Sergeant, New Orleans Police Department • Charlie Hoffacker, Sergeant, New Orleans Police Department • Tim Veal, Police Supervisor, Philadelphia Police Department
Track C: Reducing Harm, Reducing Risk, Reducing Liability
Moderator: Greg Hanna, ABLE Training Instructor and Retired Captain, WMATA Metro
Transit Police Department Panelists:
• Jonathan Aronie, Chair, ABLE Project Board of Advisors, and Partner, Sheppard Mullin
• Scott Fraser, ABLE Training Instructor and Deputy Chief, Kingston (Ontario) Police
• Steve Hansen, CEO, Utah Local Governments Trust
Transition to next breakouts
Breakout round #4
Track A: Engaging the Community
Moderator: Fatema Merchant, Partner, SheppardMullin Panelists:
• Stephen Benson, Officer, Strategic Engagement Office, Executive Office of the Chief of Police, Washington Metropolitan Police Department
• Natasha Fapohunda, Senior Vice President & Division Counsel, Enterprise Partnerships, Mastercard
• Justin Nichols, Acting Commander, Diversity and Inclusion Unit, St. Louis County Police Department
Track B: Learning by Doing: Maximizing the Impact of Role Plays
Moderator: Lisa A. Kurtz, ABLE Project Director, Innovative Policing Program at
Georgetown University Law Center Panelists:
• Shelly Katkowski, ABLE Training Instructor and Director of Training, Burlington (NC) Police Department
• Ernest Luster, EPIC/ABLE Instructor and Sergeant, New Orleans Police Department
• Brett Parson, Lead Training Instructor, ABLE
3:40 - 3:50
3:50 - 4:35
11. | Fourth Annual Law Enforcement Active Bystandership Conference