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expectations for me. I always had to be the best in and has a heavy South Indian accent. It took me 30
school, the best at my job, and the best person in years to realize how adorable she is when she tries
any situation. The pressure was at times to talk to me and my sister. She tries hard to relate
unbearable. Whenever I came up short with my to us and help us with whatever struggles we are
grades or came up short with something else my facing. She cares so much about us and about my
mom always had my back. My dad would make me dad. My dad would work an insane amount of hours
feel like I was the worst human being alive but mom but she always made sure the house was clean and
always loved me. She let me know that she still that his food was always ready for him. She took
expected more out of me and she knows I can do care of the house and he earned the money.
better. She was always so much nicer about it. She
They were a dynamic duo. Alice Kurian was a
was so sensitive to mine and my sister’s needs. superstar stay-at-home mom.
Still I never said “thank you” enough. Still I never said “thank you” enough.
She never coddled us or gave in to us when we My dad and I got in to countless arguments when I
whined or complained. She was tough and from the was going through my teenage rebellious years. It
old country. However, she understood that we were was hell and at many points in my life, I hated my
kids being kids. She was always so understanding. dad. He pushed me to the brink numerous times
She was amazing and it took me a long time to see and whenever he threatened to kick me out… Mom
how strong she was. would talk to him and get him to calm down.
Still I never said “thank you” enough. Thanks to her I got to live in the house for another
day. Mom was always the mediator of the Kurian
My mom, even to this day, speaks broken English household. She was the glue that kept our family