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of these thoughts and to stand back and simply Although meditation is extremely powerful, it is not
observe their thoughts passing through their the only way of becoming more mindful. Every
minds. aspect of life can be used to enhance mindfulness.
Every one of your senses can become gateways to
Mindfulness works well of children and for pregnant
women who don’t want to depend on medication. this delightful state of being. Eating and drinking,
Meditation has been part of our culture and lives. and even such simple things as walking through a
Mindfulness meditation builds on concentration park and smelling the flowers, can all become
exercises. mindfulness practices
How it works: Is mindfulness better than medication or other
therapies? No, probably not, But if you are someone
Go with the flow: In mindfulness meditation, when
you concentrate, see the flow of thoughts, who doesn’t believe in taking medication or seeing
emotions, body sensations without judging good or an individual therapist you might be more inclined
bad. to engage in the practice of mindfulness.
Depression and anxiety are driven by your
Focus: You will also experience external thoughts. Mindfulness helps you control those
observations, such as sounds, images, touches that thoughts.
are part of the experiences in the moment. The
challenge is not to hook on an idea, emotion,
sensation or get caught up in thoughts of the past
and the future. Instead, you look at the coming and
going of thoughts in your mind and discover which
mental patterns are a sense of well-being or
su ering.
Stay in it: Sometimes the process does not seem to
relax at all, but over time it provides stronger
feelings of happiness, joy and self-awareness as you
begin to feel more comfortable, with a broader field
of experiences and sensations.
Practice acceptance: Above all, mindfulness is
about accepting everything that comes up in your
consciousness at every moment. It is also a kind of
forgiveness for and of yourself.
Very gentle steering: When your mind wanders into
planning, daydreaming, or criticism, observe where 24315 North Western Hwy,
it went and send it gently back into the sensations Suite #226, South eld, MI 48075
of the moment.
Phone : 248-423-0236
Do and keep doing: If you missed your planned
meditation session, just restart. By practicing Toll Free: (800) 733-1659
accepting your experiences during meditation, it
becomes easier to accept what comes your way
during the day and to accept it for the rest of the