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Who’s Who

                 Angela Della Ventura is   My Religion, Life’s Work, What Stays
                 delighted to be working   (with Jason Szamreta), Whatever Will
                 again with this splendid   Be, The Neighborhood (Book and
                 company having           Lyrics; Music by Joe Zawila), Brink of
                 performed in Wonder of   Life (Book; Lyrics by Steve Harper;
                 the World and Parallel   Music by Oliver Lake) and
                 Lives a number of years   Astonishment, How to be Old: A
                 ago.  Other selected     Beginner’s Guide, and At Ninety-Three
                 credits include, The Rose   (Adaptations). Laura is a private
      Tattoo recently at the Shakespeare   monologue coach and holds a BA from
      Theatre of NJ, Three Tall Women,    Yale University and an MFA from Sarah
      Marvin’s Room, According to Goldman,   Lawrence College. Laura is Chair of the
      Nunsense, Harvey, Spinning Into     NJ Theatre Alliance Board of Trustees
      Butter, Spain, Love, Loss and What I   and a member of AEA, SAG-AFTRA and
      Wore and Dancing at Luhnasa in such   the Dramatists Guild. Stephanie
      theaters as, New Jersey Repertory,   Gallegos (Set Designer)
      Centenary Stage, The Women’s                    Becca Landis McLarty
      Theatre, Playwrights, Alliance Rep, The         (she/her) is thrilled to be
      Bickford Theatre, The Theater Project           a part of Gone Missing
      and the Pushcart Players. Angela is a           and the newest member
      proud member of Actor’s Equity and              of the Acting Ensemble of
      SAG-AFTRA.                                      Vivid Stage. Becca has
                 Laura Ekstrand is co-                performed in NYC and
                 founder and artistic                 regionally with companies
                 director of Vivid Stage,             such as Luna Stage,
                 formerly Dreamcatcher    Broadway's Next Hit Musical, Project Y
                 Rep. She is an actor,    Theatre, Arden Theatre Company, The
                 director, playwright and   Theater Project, and Mt. Gretna
                 teacher who has appeared   Theatre. Favorite Roles include: Viola in
                 on stages and screens for   Twelfth Night, Mary Jane in Jesus
                 over 30 years. As an     Hopped the 'A' Train, and Muriel in Bible
      actor: Laura appeared at Vivid Stage in   Adventure Park. Becca holds her MFA in
      101 Humiliating Stories, Water in My   Acting from Brooklyn College and is an
      Hands, Be Here Now, The Lucky Ones,   instructor of voice and speech with the
      What Stays; Sister Play and         Miller Voice Method and at Montclair
      Motherhood Out Loud, among many     State University. Thank you so much to
      others, and is a member of the Flip   Justus, Marin, and Porter for being my
      Side improv comedy team. New Jersey   home and my heart.
      Theatre: Bickford Theatre, Centenary
      Stage, Luna Stage, Passage Theater,             Scott McGowan is
      Pushcart Players, The Theater Project,          originally from
      12 Miles West. New York Theatre:                Pennsylvania but has
      Naked Angels, Ensemble Studio                   lived in New Jersey and
      Theatre, and New Georges. Film:                 has been a member of
      American Zombieland, Split Ends, High           Vivid Stage for over 15
      Art, I Shot Andy Warhol. Television:            years. While raising a
      Hack, Sex And The City, Law & Order,            family he has worked
      and The Guiding Light. As a director:           steadily, garnering two NJ
      Grief at High Tide, Soft Animals, Twirl,   Tony Awards for Best Actor in a Musical
      Dead and Buried, Every Brilliant Thing,   awarded by the Newark Star Ledger. He
      The How and the Why, Next Fall,     was also named Best Supporting Actor
      Distracted, The Pursuit Of Happiness,   in a Musical from the state of New
      Melancholy Play, Pride’s Crossing and   Hampshire in two separate years. In NJ
      many others. Podcast directing: The   Scott has appeared at the Bickford,
      Weirdness and Young Ben Franklin for   Centenary, Luna and recently in the
      Gen Z Media. As a playwright: Losing   titular role of Elling at Catalyst Theatre
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