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performance from Ohio University.    Monsters and Alice in Slasher Land with              Centenary University's NEXTstage
                Stephanie Windland       Repertory. Chris is a member of Actor's
                                         Equity Association.
                (Sabrina) is an NYC based
                actress, singer, and     Laura Ekstrand (Director) is co-
                director. Since graduating   founder and artistic director of Vivid
                Fairleigh Dickinson      Stage, formerly Dreamcatcher Rep. She
                University, Stephanie has   is an actor, director, playwright and
                been seen in national
                tours, on regional stages,   teacher who has appeared on stages
                and in many a back room   and screens for over 30 years. As an
                of a NYC bar doing weird   actor, Laura appeared at Vivid Stage in
    improv with her friends. Some of her   Water in My Hands, Be Here Now, The
    favorite credits include Belle in Beauty   Lucky Ones, What Stays; Sister Play;
    and the Beast, Robin in My Mother My   Motherhood Out Loud; and
    Sister and Me at The Bickford, Purdue in  Shakespeare in Vegas, among many
    Dead and Buried and Young Vera in    others, and is a member of the Flip
    Portrait of the Widow Kinski both here   Side improv comedy team. She has
    at Vivid Stage. In addition to her work   worked at many other New Jersey
    as an actress, Stephanie played a    Theatres including the Bickford
    crucial role in the creation and     Theatre, Centenary Stage, Luna Stage,
    production of the web series P’s In A   Passage Theater, Pushcart Players, The
    Pod, where she also stars in the role of   Theater Project, 12 Miles West. In New
    Polly. She'd like to thank her cast and   York, Laura has appeared at Naked
    crew for being outrageously fun and   Angels, Ensemble Studio Theatre, and
    supportive and for Stooooooopid      New Georges.
    University for always telling her to
    "Come here".    Her film credits include American
                                         Zombieland, Split Ends, High Art, I
                Christopher Young        Shot Andy Warhol. Laura’s television
                (Jacob) currently serves   experience includes Hack, Sex And The
                as the General Manager of  City, Law & Order, and The Guiding
                the Centenary Stage      Light. As a director, some projects
                Company, a professional   include Twirl, Dead and Buried, Every
                theatre located on the   Brilliant Thing, The How and the Why,
                campus of Centenary      Next Fall, Distracted, The Pursuit Of
                University in            Happiness, Melancholy Play, Pride’s
                Hackettstown, NJ where   Crossing, Full Bloom and many others.
    he also serves as an adjunct faculty   Laura has directed the dramatic
    member of the University Theatre     podcasts The Weirdness and Young Ben
    Department. An MFA graduate from the   Franklin for Gen Z Media. As a
    Professional Actor Training Program of   playwright, full lengths include Life’s
    Ohio University. As an actor Chris has   Work, What Stays (with Jason
    worked with theaters including The   Szamreta), Whatever Will Be, The
    Monomoy Theatre in Chatham,          Neighborhood (Book and Lyrics; Music
    Massachusetts; the Oxford Shakespeare   by Joe Zawila), Brink of Life (Book;
    Festival in Oxford, Mississippi; Valley   Lyrics by Steve Harper; Music by Oliver
    Young Company in New Brunswick,      Lake) and Astonishment, How to be
    Canada; Vivid Stage, 12 Miles West   Old: A Beginner’s Guide, and At Ninety-
    Theatre Co., Alliance Repertory Theatre,  Three (Adaptations).
    Centenary Stage Company (NJ); and    Laura is a private monologue and
    Vampire Cowboys (NYC). Recent film   public speaking coach and holds a BA
    credits include The Haunting of Jessie   from Yale University and an MFA from
    Ross (post-production), Hunter's     Sarah Lawrence College. Laura is the
    Weekend (streaming on Amazon Prime),   Chair of the New Jersey Theatre
    My Dad and Bob Todd, Hotel (winner   Alliance Board of Trustees and a
    Best Actor, Atlantic City Cinefest), Jess   member of AEA, SAG-AFTRA and the
    Archer Vs. and Star Crossed Lovers.   Dramatists Guild.
    Recent directing credits include She Kills
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