Page 12 - DRT 2022 October
P. 12
Jeff Knapp (Sound Design) is proud to Zach Pizza (Scenic/Lighting Designer)
be returning to Vivid as resident sound is always thrilled to be working here at
designer for his 11th Season! Jeff is also Vivid Stage! With a double bill on this
resident sound designer for Shadowland show, this is Zach’s 11th season as the
Stages (Ellenville, NY) and his freelance resident lighting designer. Favorites
work has been heard as far away as far have included - (Lights and Sets) Be
north as Maine, as south as Florida and Here Now, Twirl, Portrait of the Widow
as west as South Korea! Favorite past Kinski, Electric Baby (Lights) Life’s
designs include Water in my Hands, The Work, Every Brilliant Thing, Outgoing
Lucky Ones, Be Here Now, Every Tide. Other credits include: Sesame
Brilliant Thing, The Outgoing Tide and Street, The Musical (Theater Row),
The Other Place. When not making Camp Morning Wood (Asylum NYC),
noise, Jeff is chief bottle washer at Jason Robert Brown feat. Stephen
Jephens Technology, a boutique Sondheim (Town Hall, NYC), On the
managed services IT provider - helping Head of a Pin (59E59). Regional: Fat
small businesses stay secure and Kid Rules the World (GFTF, Davis, CA),
achieve their goals through technology. Hattiloo Theater-Memphis, TN, Sharon
Love to Mo and the kids. Playhouse-Sharon, CT, Little Theater on
the Square-Sullivan, IL. [Zach’s second
Scott McGowan (Stage Manager) is life: Chief Instructor, New York
originally from Pennsylvania but has Okinawan Karate,]
lived in New Jersey and has been a Thanks always to all of my friends and
member of Vivid Stage for 15 years. He families. Purchase College
sometimes moonlights from acting as a
Stage Manager, the role he has tonight.
While raising a family he has worked Miranda Rhode (Assistant Stage
steadily, garnering two NJ Tony Awards Manager) is thrilled to be making her
for Best Actor in a Musical awarded by Vivid Stage debut with this production!
the Newark Star Ledger for Mack & She recently earned a BFA in Theatre
Mabel and I Do!, I Do!. He was also Design, Technology, and Management
awarded Best Supporting Actor in a from Montclair State University. Credits
Musical from the state of New include Heathers: the Musical High
Hampshire in two separate years as School Edition (PSM/Sound Designer/
well, for the Engineer in Miss Saigon and Co-Fight Director), Love's Labour's Lost
Juan Peron in Evita. A proud member of (PSM), Hamlet (ASM), and A
Actors’ Equity Association where he Midsummer Night's Dream (ASM) at
spent sixteen years on their governing Scranton Shakespeare Festival and
body and was a Tony voter. Scott is also Season X of the National Music Festival
an extremely proud parent of Shaelyn (ASM/Kazoo).
and Essa. Thanks to Rick and Mary who
share co-parenting duties. James Williams (Assistant Director/
Choreographer)is a Senior at Fairleigh
Dani (Constance) Pietrowski (Props), Dickinson University (FDU) studying a
has created, found, and borrowed props BA in Musical Theater and a BA in
for Vivid Stage for What Stays, Portrait Directing. James has a history of
of the Widow Kinski, Be Here Now, performance, with some favorite roles
Shakespeare in Vegas, Rx, The How and including Dance Ensemble in Beauty
the Why, and stage managed The and The Beast (FDU), Damis in Tartuffe
Neighborhood and The Other Place. She (FDU), Pepper in Mamma Mia (FDU),
has also worked with Writers
(Playwrights) Theatre of NJ, Centenary and Andy in Your Lips are Moving, But
Stage Co., The Bickford, Passage There's No Sound (FDU). James was
Theatre, NJ Rep, Luna Stage, The also Dance captain for FDU’s production
Growing Stage, Cape May Stage, of First Date and has been a lead
Shadowland Theatre, What Exit?, Choreographer for the Fairleigh Dance
Shakespeare Theatre of NJ, Premiere Project Showcase since Fall 2019.
Stages, NJ Governor’s School of the Arts
and Women’s Theater Company. Dani Erin Mallon (Playwright) is a
also teaches Stage Management at playwright, author, and narrator of
Centenary University. nearly 600 audiobooks. She is a six-
time Earphones Award Winner and a