Page 11 - DRT 2022 November
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Laura Ekstrand is co- Noreen Farley has done a
founder and artistic director number of shows as a
of Vivid Stage, formerly member of the Vivid Stage
Dreamcatcher Rep. She is ensemble (most recently,
an actor, director, she appeared as Bid in
playwright and teacher who Dead and Buried) as well
has appeared on stages as improvisation. She has
and screens for over 30 also appeared at Two River
years. As an actor, Laura Theatre, The Shakespeare
appeared at Vivid Stage in Water in My Theatre of NJ, The Bickford, Alliance
Rep, The Theater Project, What Exit?,
Hands, Be Here Now, The Lucky Ones, and The Women’s Theatre.
What Stays; Sister Play; Motherhood
Out Loud; and Shakespeare in Vegas, Lulu French first took
among many others, and is a member improv classes at Gotham
of the Flip Side improv comedy team. City Improv over two
She has worked at many other New decades ago and has been
Jersey Theatres including the Bickford improvising ever since. In
Theatre, Centenary Stage, Luna Stage, addition to being a
Passage Theater, Pushcart Players, The graduate of Gotham City
Theater Project, 12 Miles West. In New Improv, she has also
studied improv under Amy
York, Laura has appeared at Naked Poehler, Matt Walsh, and Matt Besser
Angels, Ensemble Studio Theatre, and — original members of the Upright
New Georges. Her film credits include Citizens Brigade, Armando Diaz —
American Zombieland, Split Ends, High founder of the Magnet Theater, various
Art, I Shot Andy Warhol. Laura’s Second City alumni such as Todd
television experience includes Hack, Sex Stashwick (12 Monkeys), and improv
And The City, Law & Order, and The masters Michael Gellman, Dave
Guiding Light. As a director, some Razowsky, and Aretha Sills. She has
projects include Twirl, Dead and Buried, appeared in numerous improv
Every Brilliant Thing, The How and the performances in NYC improv theaters
Why, Next Fall, Distracted, The Pursuit such as Gotham City Improv, the
Of Happiness, Melancholy Play, Pride’s Magnet Theater, the People’s Improv
Crossing, Full Bloom and many others. Theater and Upright Citizens Brigade.
Laura has directed the dramatic She performs mostly in NJ these days
podcasts The Weirdness and Young Ben with Vivid's improv troupe, The Flip
Franklin for Gen Z Media. As a Side in Summit, NJ and Montclair
playwright, full lengths include Life’s Improv Comedy in Montclair, NJ.
Work, What Stays (with Jason Gail Lou is an acclaimed
Szamreta), Whatever Will Be, The performer, musical
Neighborhood (Book and Lyrics; Music director and vocal coach.
by Joe Zawila), Brink of Life (Book; Gail has appeared in:
Lyrics by Steve Harper; Music by Oliver Mama I Want To Sing (Off
Lake) and Astonishment, How to be Old: -Broadway), Doubt
A Beginner’s Guide, and At Ninety-Three (regional production, as
(Adaptations). Laura is a private Mrs. Muller), Crowns
monologue and public speaking coach (regional production, as
and holds a BA from Yale University and performer and musical director) and
an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. Tommy (regional production, The Acid
Laura is the Chair of the New Jersey Queen) to name a few. Her vocal
Theatre Alliance Board of Trustees and a performances in the recording sector
member of AEA, SAG-AFTRA and the include Another Day - Bobby
Dramatists Guild. D’Ambrosio, Producer, and You’ve Got
The Vibe on Dance Baby Records. Her
background vocal credits include R&B,
Gospel, Jazz and Classical genres. Gail
Lou has been working as a musical
director throughout the tri-state area