Page 13 - DRT 2022 November
P. 13
David Lee White is a GEEK!) NJ: Centenary Stage Co
playwright/performer/ (Meteor Shower, Turning, The Sunshine
educator based in New Boys, Dracula, Hitler’s Tasters),
Jersey. His work with Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey (A
Kate Brennan on The Child’s Christmas in Wales), Vivid Stage
Infinity Trilogy, a series of (Ways to be Happy: a radio play), The
YA musicals, was the Bickford Theatre (Accomplice), The
recipient of a MAP Fund Growing Stage (Tales from the Garden)
award, and the first & Alliance Repertory (Bluff, Trying).
musical in the trilogy, Emaline holds a BFA in theater
ALiEN8, is now available through performance from Ohio University.
YouthPLAYS. David was also in the
inaugural group of playwrights to
receive commissions from the New John Pivarnik (pianist) serves as
Jersey Performing Arts Centers’ Stage organist/choirmaster at Saint Peter’s
Exchange Program. The result was Fixed Episcopal Church in Essex Fells. He has
– a play about navigating the mental worked as a church musician in various
healthcare system. His mental health denominations since the age of 12. He
awareness work continued with Panther also works as a freelance vocal and
Hollow, his solo show about his battle instrumental accompanist. John did his
with clinical depression in his youth. undergraduate studies at Susquehanna
David continues his comedic work at university majoring in piano
Vivid Stage as a member of their performance. He pursued graduate
comedy troupe “The Flip Side.” Vivid study in piano performance and
Stage also recently produced an audio pedagogy at Temple university and
production of his play Ways To Be further graduate study at Cologne
Happy. David also teaches Advanced Music Academy in Cologne, Germany
Improvisation, Theatre History and on a Rotary Foundation Grant. John
Dramatic Analysis at Drexel University, teaches piano privately at his home in
where he co-created the web-series Madison and in several local
Essential with director Bill Fennelly. communities. He has also taught piano
as an adjunct at Caldwell University
Emaline Williams is an and The Pingry school. He performs
Ohio born but NJ based frequently with The Baroque Orchestra
Equity actor. A member of of New Jersey and has entertained at
the Vivid Company, Fellowship Village in Basking Ridge and
Emaline appeared in the Laurel Circle in Bridgewater.
recent production of Soft
Animals. Her theatrical
credits include NYC:
Vampire Cowboys Theater
Co (Alice in Slasherland,