Page 10 - DRT 2021 March
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Single Jew (Dillon’s on 54 Street); 2 on Peachtree Playhouse and he’s
the Aisle, 3 in a Van (Best Ensemble, performed Off B'way in NYC and at
2009 NY Fringe Festival); Skin Deep many of NJ’s best professional theaters.
(winner, 2010 Samuel French OOB He has toured around the US and
Festival). Favorite shows include Who’s Europe with the Pushcart Players and
Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Driving Miss he is also a member of The Theater
Daisy, Nuts, Gemini, Over the River and Project. In 2010, Harry received the NJ
Through the Woods, Doubt, and Lost in Theater Alliance Applause Award for his
Yonkers. artistry and dedication to acting at
Dreamcatcher Rep and he received
David Lindsay-Abaire (playwright) is another NJTA Award in 2018 for his
a Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, theater arts education work at Pushcart
screenwriter, lyricist, and librettist. His Players. He's a long-time director at
play Good People premiered on Essex Youth Theater in Montclair and at
Broadway, was awarded the New York the Del E. Webb Center in AZ and Harry
Drama Critics' Circle Award for Best also works with the Passaic Police Dept.
Play, The Horton Foote Prize, The Youth Service Division. He is a proud
Edgerton Foundation New American member of AEA and SAG/AFTRA.
Play Award, and two Tony nominations.
His previous play Rabbit Hole received Laura Ekstrand (Elena
the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, five Tony Carson) co-founded
nominations, and the Spirit of America Dreamcatcher with Janet
Award. David also wrote the book and Sales in 1994. She has
lyrics for Shrek The Musical (Jeanine appeared at Dreamcatcher
Tesori, composer), which was in The Lucky Ones, What
nominated for eight Tonys, four Stays; Sister Play;
Oliviers, a Grammy, and earned David Rapture, Blister Burn;
the Ed Kleban Award as America’s most Motherhood Out Loud; and
promising musical theatre lyricist. Shakespeare in Vegas, among many
David’s other plays include Ripcord, others, and is a member of The Flip
Fuddy Meers, Kimberly Akimbo, Wonder Side improv comedy troupe. New
Of The World, and A DEVIL INSIDE, Jersey Theatre: Bickford Theatre,
among others. In addition to his work in Passage Theater, 12 Miles West, The
theatre, David's screen credits include Theater Project, Luna Stage, and the
his film adaptation of Rabbit Hole, Pushcart Players. New York Theatre:
Dreamworks’ Rise of the Guardians, Naked Angels, Ensemble Studio
and The Family Fang, starring Nicole Theatre, and New Georges. Film: Fat
Kidman, Christopher Walken, and Jason Ass Zombies; Split Ends, High Art and I
Bateman. He is also, along with Marsha Shot Andy Warhol. Television: Hack,
Norman, co-chair of the Playwriting Sex And The City, Law & Order, and
Program at the Juilliard School. The Guiding Light. As a director: Dead
and Buried, Every Brilliant Thing, The
SHOOTING STAR How and the Why, Things Being What
Harry Patrick Christian They Are, Next Fall, Distracted, The
(Reed McAllister) is a Pursuit Of Happiness, Melancholy Play,
long-time Dreamcatcher Pride’s Crossing, Full Bloom and many
Rep Company member others. Podcast directing: The
and has acted in many of Weirdness and Young Ben Franklin for
their most beloved Gen Z Media. As a playwright: What
productions including Stays (with Jason Szamreta), Whatever
Baby, The Mystery Of Will Be, The Neighborhood (Book and
Irma Vep, Fuddy Meers, Lyrics; Music by Joe Zawila), Brink of
This, Pride’s Crossing, Shipwrecked Life (Book; Lyrics by Steve Harper;
and, most recently, Psychodrama. He Music by Oliver Lake) and
has performed here in many improv Astonishment, How to be Old: A
shows and cabarets and directed Be Beginner’s Guide, and At Ninety-Three
Here Now and Motherhood: Out Loud. (Adaptations). Laura is a private
Harry began his theatrical career acting monologue coach and holds a BA from
as Huckleberry Finn at Atlanta's Yale University and an MFA from Sarah