Page 8 - DRT 2021 March
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Who’s Who
RIPCORD of the ensemble she has also performed
in the improv troupe The Flip Side, A
Michael Aquino (Derek, Very Special Holiday Special, and the
Zombie Butler, Masked gala cabarets. Other shows in the area
Man) is a Cuba-Rican include The Last Romance (Bickford);
musician and performer 100 Saints You Should Know and The
born in the urbanlands of Champagne Charlie Stakes (Alliance
northern New Jersey. He Rep); and Why Torture Is Wrong And
is a co-founder of Those Who Love Them, Road To Mecca,
Cocotazo Media, which and Three Tall Women (The Theater
produces music and audio Project). At What Exit? Noreen has
fiction by independent artists of all done The Lying Kind and two turns as
backgrounds. Aquino is the audio the villain in their Christmas pantos.
engineer, sound designer, and Other credits include regional theater,
composer for their production television commercials, print work,
Timestorm. Timestorm is produced with voiceovers and movies.
support from PRX, Trax, and the Google
Podcasts creator program. Aquino is Shabazz Green (Scotty)
also a professional actor and has is an Alumnus of Kean
performed at regional and NYC stages. University with a B.A. in
He is a co-creator of Mi Casa Tu Casa, a Theatre Education. New
bilingual stage production. As a York Credits: Bars and
musican, Aquino has released two Measures (Urban Stages);
albums - Giants Will Fall and City Stars, Philosophy for Gangsters
was released by Cocotazo Music in (Beckett Theatre);
October 2017. Aquino received two Intruder: The Musical
Audio Verse Awards for Best Music, Self (Hudson Guild). Regional Credits:
-Contained Dramatic Production ("Blood Oklahoma (Denver Center for the
Heart" with Ernio Hernandez) and Best Performing Arts); Topdog/Underdog,
Audio Engineering, Self-Contained Sister Act: The Musical (Lake Dillon
Comedic Production (Something Inside Theatre Company); Hands on a
That Head of Yours). He was also Hardbody (Colorado Springs Fine Arts
nominated for a 2013 Jersey Acoustic Center); To Kill a Mockingbird
Music Award (Top Male Songwriter (Greenbrier Valley Theatre); The Ballad
category). Aquino is a member of of Trayvon Martin (New Freedom
SESAC and Actors Equity Association. Theatre); Little Rock (Passage
For more about his work with Cocotazo Theatre); Humbug (Premiere Stages).
Media visit and Film: Romance in the Digital Age.
more on Michael visit @shabazzgreen FEAR NOT!
Noreen Farley (Abby Ben Kaufman
Binder) has done a (Benjamin, Lewis, Clown)
number of shows as a is a New York City-based
member of actor who originally hails
Dreamcatcher’s ensemble from Columbus, Ohio.
(most recently, String He's lived in New York for
Around My Finger) as well the past ten years. He
as improvisation. She has has enjoyed working
also appeared at Two steadily in assorted
River Theatre, The Shakespeare productions Off Off Broadway, as well
Theatre of NJ, The Bickford, Alliance as in and around New Jersey. A former
Rep, The Theater Project, What Exit?, Bat, with The Flea Theater in TriBeCa,
and The Women’s Theatre. Noreen Ben has also served as an Artistic
Farley has been seen at Dreamcatcher Associate with Horse Trade Theater
Rep in Dead and Buried, The Language Group in the East Village where he
Archive, The Neighborhood, Blood: A spent the better part of two years
Comedy and many more. As a member reading and producing new works as a